Python Script to get Isaac version

Now that there is a new Isaac Sim, I have discovered some incompatibilities in the some Surface Gripper between the last version and 4.0.0 (in my own customized code - derived from the original manipulator code).

I need to have my code work with both versions for now, so I need to be able to query the version, but searching didn’t yield anything.

Is there a convenient way to get the version?

Hey @mwise1,

Are you looking for this?

from omni.isaac.version import get_version

AFAIK, importing the omni.isaac.version module will only work if you are executing your script from the Omniverse Isaac Sim Python environment.

If you pretend to get the version while executing an independent Python script, perhaps I’ve duplicated your question here: How to get Isaac Sim installation path at runtime in a ROS2 launch file?


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