PyTorch for Jetson

OK, the script from jetson-inference has been updated to detect JetPack 4.4 and install the appropriate wheels for CUDA 10.2. It was checked in with commit f1584c1.

Either pull or re-clone the repo to obtain the updated script. If you re-clone, run the Hello AI World install steps as normal. Whereas if you want to pull to update an existing install, instead do the following:

$ cd jetson-inference
$ git pull origin master
$ cd build
$ cmake ../   # needed to re-sync the script with the copy in the build/ dir
$ ./

Then when you are running on JetPack 4.4, you should see the updated PyTorch installer display L4T R32.4 and PyTorch v1.4.0 (as highlighed in the screenshot below):

This indicates that it has properly detected your JetPack 4.4 version, and will install the PyTorch wheels for CUDA 10.2 instead. Apologies again for the confusion with the script.