Quick nvcc question

Hey all I am trying to supress my warnings when I compile using nvcc due to the fact that the terminal I have to vpn through wont scroll and I need to see the errors that are being outputted.

I normally run command
nvcc -o filename.so --compiler-options -fPIC -shared filename.cu

To supress all warnings I think I need to send gcc the -w option so I tried
nvcc -o filename.so --compiler-options -w -fPIC -shared filename.cu

and it doesnt work?
anyones know?

Apparently nvcc doesn’t have an option to suppress warnings.

-Xcompiler=-w does work for warnings generated by gcc (add a .c source file with a #warning statement to verify this), but it doesn’t work for warnings generated by nvcc as far as I know.

To solve your problem, try

nvcc (your options and files here) 2>&1 | less

or even

nvcc (your options and files here) 2>&1 | grep -v error | less

This should enable you to ‘scroll’ through your output.