Radar cluster color information

Hey Guys,

I am trying to alter radar_sample_replay source code, to add RGB data to radar clusters.

dwRenderer_setColor(DW_RENDERER_COLOR_RED, renderer);
        if (gRenderDetections) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < DW_RADAR_RANGE_COUNT; i++) {
                    gPointCloud[DW_RADAR_RETURN_TYPE_DETECTION][i], renderer);

        dwRenderer_setColor(DW_RENDERER_COLOR_BLUE , renderer);
        if (gRenderTracks) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < DW_RADAR_RANGE_COUNT; i++) {
                    gPointCloud[DW_RADAR_RETURN_TYPE_TRACK][i], renderer);

The code above represents color for a group of clusters[Near/Far]. But is there a way, where we can specify the color for each cluster automatically and the renderer automatically picks the color from the cluster itself.

A for loop approach [Where dwRenderer_setColor(DW_RENDERER_COLOR_RED, renderer) is called for every cluster] was tried and it slows down the whole application.

Thank you.

Dear Vishwas,

Can you tell how slow down the whole application?
Can I know which GPU you used for the code? Thanks.