random memory access patterns speed differences


just to learn something new, (couldnt find the answer with search functions and google) can anyone help me explain these different access speeds:

We try to access lots of float4 respectively double4 at random locations in device memory. Compared to accessing the 4 floats respectively double seperately the kernel using direct access as float4/double4 does not speed up a lot. When accessing them as float4/double4 textures the kernel takes only 33%/40% of the time while using single float / double texture access it takes 70%/80%.

In a table:

access as relativ kernel speed

float 100%

float4 ~100%

float/tex 70%

float4/tex 33%

Best regards


P.S. The doubles are accessed through int2 respectively int4 like this:

#if X_PRECISION == 2

static __inline__ __device__ double tex1Dfetch_double(texture<int2, 1> t, int i)


	int2 v = tex1Dfetch(t,i);

	return __hiloint2double(v.y, v.x);


static __inline__ __device__ X_FLOAT4 tex1Dfetch_double(texture<int4, 1> t, int i)


	int4 v = tex1Dfetch(t,2*i);

	int4 u = tex1Dfetch(t,2*i+1);

	X_FLOAT4 w;


	w.x= __hiloint2double(v.y, v.x);

	w.y= __hiloint2double(v.w, v.z);

	w.z= __hiloint2double(u.y, u.x);

	w.w= __hiloint2double(u.w, u.z);

	return w;

