Receiving input from cxrSendInputEvent with Unity new input system


On the client side, I am using the Android “Hello Cloud XR” sample that shipped with the SDK, with some minor modifications. It sends touchscreen inputs to the CloudXR server with cxrSendInputEvent():

// Send a touch event along to the server/host application
void HandleTouch(float x, float y) {
if (!IsRunning()) return;

cxrInputEvent input;
input.type = cxrInputEventType_Touch;
input.event.touchEvent.type = cxrTouchEventType_FINGERUP;
input.event.touchEvent.x = x;
input.event.touchEvent.y = y;
cxrSendInputEvent(cloudxr_receiver_, &input);


Server-side, I have a Unity 2020.3.0f1 project that uses Unity’s “new input system”. How can I listen for touchscreen events and act accordingly? If I try to inspect Touchscreen.current, it is null. If I add a listener to InputSystem.onEvent, I only get HeadTrackingOpenXR events.

Is there a better way to do this? Or do I need to roll my own system using custom events and memory-mapped files?


If anyone else has this problem, I did actually get it working by sending a generic event with some custom userdata. I made a struct with a timestamp and touch coordinates, then sent that using cxrSendInputEvent(). On the server side, I check the memory-mapped file every frame (not sure about the performance implications of that yet…), if the timestamp has updated, I pull out the coordinates of the new touch and write that into an Input event, then queue it (as a mouse click).


Thank you for your investigations. Colud you please help me how do you check the memory-mapped file? I use Unreal Engine and have no idea how to receive events from the CloudXR client app

Just found the solution for Unreal Engine, if someone is interested into it, just have a look into
FWindowsPlatformMemory::MapNamedSharedMemoryRegion function in WindowsPlatformMemory.cpp

Hi @david.addis1 , Have you solved the problem?