Reduce boot time stereolabs zed box


i am using Zed Box Orin Nx from Stereolabs for our AI tests and i would like to reduce boot time which i calculate around 50-60s.

Is it possible to reduce it and how can i do?

Hi alessandro.cortese,

It seems you are using a custom carrier board.
Is it designed by you?

What’s your Jetpack version in use?
Please share the full boot serial console log with timestamp enabled to check the total boot time.

Hi Kevin,

i’m using the following commercial board: ZED Box - Orin NX 16GB for Edge AI | Stereolabs

Jetpack used: 5.1.1

how can i extract the full boot serial console log?

It seems you are using a custom carrier board and it is not designed by you.
For our devkit, you can refer to the following instruction to get serial console log.
Jetson Nano & NX Style - Serial Debug Console - JetsonHacks
For your custom carrier board, you can ask the vendor for how to get the serial cosole log.

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