Reflash 99% , the sdkmange stucks

But before I saw some errors happened in the command line .
I could not type in tegrarecovery x2 on these words into the command line

could you please kindly help me

But when I connect the /dev/ttyUSB3 , I could not type in any word . could you please kindly help me ?
could you please give me some suggestion ?

I’ll share our experience. You need to connect to Aurix and then restart. There will be around 8 seconds for you to type between restart and the errors’ appearance.

And that’s enough.

Yes , thanks for your feedback
I miss configure the minicom let it could type in some command lines .

any updates about this topic? I have tried the mentioned solution on my nvidia drive xavier for several times. However, I am still stuck at 99% when reflashing xavierA/B or xavier A+B. Many thanks if there are some new tips.

I suggest creating a new topic and referring to this topic in your post to get better visibility and responses from the community. This will also help keep the discussions organized and focused. Good luck with your issue!

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