Remote application development using NVIDIA® Nsight™ Eclipse Edition

While running it shows
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~$ echo $PWD'>'
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~$ /bin/sh -c "cd \"/home/ubuntu/NSIGHT_WORKSPACE/one/Debug\ ";export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/usr/local/cuda-6.5/lib\":\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH};\"/home /ubuntu/NSIGHT_WORKSPACE/one/Debug/one\"";exit
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/ubuntu/NSIGHT_WORKSPACE/one/Debug
/bin/sh: 1: /home/ubuntu/NSIGHT_WORKSPACE/one/Debug/one: not found
logout in the console .
am using nsight 6.5 with L4T R21.3

Please respond asap

You seem to be missing your debug binary named "one". Please make sure you have built the debug binary and it exists prior to launching it.

Yes it exists in nsight(host pc -ubuntu 14) after build.But it couldnt upload to jetson kit .no directories are created after NSIGHT_WORKSPACE /. !!

Make sure you are able to access ssh into JetsonTK1 from your host. Also recreate the connection in NsightEE.


I want to develop program with opencv on Jetson TK1 by creating a new sync-mode project. After trying with several methods, I still fail to run my program on Jetson TK1 and I have no idea how to resolve them. I wrote my configuration steps in a file, download link:

Hope any one who knows how to run "Jetson TK1 Nsight program development+opencv" can tell me how to resolve the problems I met


Your issue is unrelated to anything opencv. From your dropbox description you seem to be building the project on the host system instead of the target JetsonTK1. There is a build menu for target system that appears when you click on the build hammer(reverse triangle) - please select that to build on target system. Read my note under Figure 4: "click on the build “hammer” icon in the toolbar to drop down the build
menu. You will see the target system entry there for debug and release
builds. Choose debug build; this will create a native build on the Linux
target system from Nsight running on your Mac OS X host system."

Firstly thanks for your reply very much. I followed the steps you mentioned, and it worked! REALLY thank you very much!!! Pretty helpful!

Hi all
with all the new updates that have happened since July, would it be possible to update some of the how to instructions for newbies like myself. especially for the Mac setups. it seems there are some differences in versions that the Jetson and Mac have for downloads especially for the Cuda toolboxes they are using. Almost everything has switched to 6.5.

The instructions are very similar please use the latest available toolkit version for JetsonTK1 from and that is:

Hello Satish,

I've been following the steps, but I get stuck at the end of "Creating A Remote Synchronized-Project Build". When I build the particle sample on the target I get 1 error:

make: ***[src/particleSystem.o] Error 1

And 1 warning:

Invalid project path: Duplicate path entries found (/particle [Include path] isSystemInclude:true includePath:/usr/local/cuda-6.5/samples/5_Simulations), path: [/particle].

Could you please walk me through a solution?

Thank you.

What's your "Project path" on the target system?
The path under "/usr/local/cuda-6.5/samples" which installed through CUDA 6.5 installer is not writeable. Did you try creating a new one under $HOME?

That's right, you can run " ~" from /usr/local/cuda/bin to install samples under your home directory and use Nsight Eclipse to open projects from the home dir.

Hi, Kevin.

The path is a folder I created in \home: \home\remoteprojects on the target. The path in the host is the default path, I didn't answer before because I didn't have the Jetson avaiable during the weekend.

Firstly,thanks your excellent article.
I have a problem:
after l do the command:
> sudo dpkg –i cuda-repo-ubuntu1204_6.5-14_amd64.deb
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install cuda

The installed library is cuda-7.5,not the cuda-6.5.Why ?

The .deb that you dpkg'd contains the pointer to the CUDA repo and since the repo has 7.5 TK version that's what will be installed now.


In your note under Figure 4,l can't find the build menu in the toolbar and the "hammer"(my nsight is 7.5)
can you help me?

Hi Hong Xu,
I'm using the Nsight EE from CUDA 7.5 Prod on Mac OS X platform. I can see the build "hammer" in the toolbar.
After click "OK" to save project settings, the "Properties" window will be closed and the mentioned "hammer" could be found on the current project window. It's the 5th icon(1st: New, 2nd: Save; 3rd: Save All; 4th: Print; 5th: "hammer").
You also can see the target system entry there for debug and release builds from Nsight EE Main menu : "Project" -> "Build Configurations" ->"Set Active..."
Hope it helps.

Hi Carlos,

Could you please post more information of the encountered error - "make: ***[src/particleSystem.o] Error 1"?

You probably can get more information of compilation failing when enabled "Verbose(-v)" from “Settings->ToolSettings->NVCC Compiler ->Miscellaneous”(refer to Figure 3).

Hi Kevin,

I will be at work by tomorrow. Anyway, I managed to get it to work properly about 3 weeks ago, it was related to the target system address and connection.

Thank you.