Rendering wrong color format when using CuPy User-defined kernel, jetson-utils, VPI, CuPy


I am currently capturing video frames from a .mp4 file and applying transformations using vpi - CUDA backend and CuPy User-defined kernel before rendering it using jetson-utils VideoSource and VideoOutput in jetson-utils. I am reading the .mp4 file in rgb8 format, converting it into uint8 format for image transformations and rendering it using the same rgb8 format. Here is the code -

import cupy as cp 
from exception_message import ExceptionMessage
import numpy 
from jetson_utils import videoSource, videoOutput, cudaImage
from extract_system_calibration import EXTRACT_SYSTEM_CALIBRATION
import vpi

kernel_mask_image_renderer = cp.RawKernel(r'''
extern "C" __global__
void elementwise_matrix_multiplication_mask_image(unsigned char *maskImg, unsigned char *fullImg, unsigned char *mask, int width, int height, int dim)
    const int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    const int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int dep = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;

    unsigned char op_val;
    if(row<height && col<width && dep<dim)
        op_val = fullImg[row*width+col+dep*width*height] * mask[row*width+col+dep*width*height];
        maskImg[row*width+col+dep*width*height] = op_val;

excpt_msg = ExceptionMessage(Status=False, Message=None)

roi_mask = cupy.asarray(__ROI_mask_front__).astype(numpy.uint8)
final_image = cupy.asarray(numpy.zeros((720,1280,3), dtype=numpy.uint8))

param_videoOutput = []
param_videoOutput.append("--width=" + str(1280))
param_videoOutput.append(f"--height=" + str(720))

output_stream = videoOutput('display://0', argv=param_videoOutput) 
cap_stream = videoSource('file:///video.mp4')

while True:

        frame = cap_stream.Capture(format='rgb8')        

        with vpi.Backend.CUDA:
            distortion_corrected  = vpi.asimage(frame )\
                                        .remap(warpmap_distortion_correction, interp=vpi.Interp.LINEAR)\
            with distortion_corrected.rlock_cuda() as cudaBuffer:
                image_pointer = cudaBuffer.__cuda_array_interface__['data'][0]

        mem = cupy.cuda.UnownedMemory(image_pointer, 2764800, owner=None)
        memptr = cupy.cuda.MemoryPointer(mem, offset=0)
        distortion_corrected_cpArr = cupy.ndarray((720, 1280, 3), dtype=cupy.uint8, memptr=memptr, strides = (3840, 3, 1))

        final_image_ptr = final_image.__cuda_array_interface__['data'][0]
        masked_cudaImg = cudaImage(ptr = final_image_ptr, width=1280, height=720, format='rgb8')

        if not cap_stream.IsStreaming() or not output_stream.IsStreaming():

    except Exception as exception:
        excpt_msg['Status'] = True
        excpt_msg['Message'] = str(exception)

The output video frames look like this -

However, when I do not use CuPy’s user defined kernel and just copy the data to a CuPy ndarray before rendering, I don’t see any color format issues. The code is -

import cupy as cp 
from exception_message import ExceptionMessage
import numpy 
from jetson_utils import videoSource, videoOutput, cudaImage
from extract_system_calibration import EXTRACT_SYSTEM_CALIBRATION
import vpi

kernel_mask_image_renderer = cp.RawKernel(r'''
extern "C" __global__
void elementwise_matrix_multiplication_mask_image(unsigned char *maskImg, unsigned char *fullImg, unsigned char *mask, int width, int height, int dim)
    const int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    const int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int dep = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;

    unsigned char op_val;
    if(row<height && col<width && dep<dim)
        op_val = fullImg[row*width+col+dep*width*height] * mask[row*width+col+dep*width*height];
        maskImg[row*width+col+dep*width*height] = op_val;

excpt_msg = ExceptionMessage(Status=False, Message=None)

roi_mask = cupy.asarray(__ROI_mask_front__).astype(numpy.uint8)
final_image = cupy.asarray(numpy.zeros((720,1280,3), dtype=numpy.uint8))

param_videoOutput = []
param_videoOutput.append("--width=" + str(1280))
param_videoOutput.append(f"--height=" + str(720))

output_stream = videoOutput('display://0', argv=param_videoOutput) 
cap_stream = videoSource('file:///video.mp4')

while True:

        frame = cap_stream.Capture(format='rgb8')        

        with vpi.Backend.CUDA:
            distortion_corrected  = vpi.asimage(frame )\
                                        .remap(warpmap_distortion_correction, interp=vpi.Interp.LINEAR)\
            with distortion_corrected.rlock_cuda() as cudaBuffer:
                image_pointer = cudaBuffer.__cuda_array_interface__['data'][0]

        mem = cupy.cuda.UnownedMemory(image_pointer, 2764800, owner=None)
        memptr = cupy.cuda.MemoryPointer(mem, offset=0)
        distortion_corrected_cpArr = cupy.ndarray((720, 1280, 3), dtype=cupy.uint8, memptr=memptr, strides = (3840, 3, 1))

        final_image_ptr = distortion_corrected_cpArr.__cuda_array_interface__['data'][0]
        masked_cudaImg = cudaImage(ptr = final_image_ptr, width=1280, height=720, format='rgb8')

        if not cap_stream.IsStreaming() or not output_stream.IsStreaming():

    except Exception as exception:
        excpt_msg['Status'] = True
        excpt_msg['Message'] = str(exception)

I tested the kernel separately (using the ‘output - (a*b) = 0’ approach), and it works as expected. Kindly advice.

Hi @surajgampa95, this is kinda complicated to debug just by looking at the code - it would seem that the CuPy kernel indexes the colors channels out-of-order, or inverts them. Do you have an example of what the output should look like? Does the result look any different if you save it to a video or image(s) as opposed to view it through the OpenGL window?

I would double check that this indexing is correct - it’s challenging for me to determine which images have multiple channels or what exactly is going on (the mask image is all 0’s or 1’s right?)

op_val = fullImg[row*width+col+dep*width*height] * mask[row*width+col+dep*width*height];
maskImg[row*width+col+dep*width*height] = op_val;

Also the order of images that you invoke this kernel with don’t really seem to correspond to their names in the actual function, is it correct?


elementwise_matrix_multiplication_mask_image(unsigned char *maskImg, unsigned char *fullImg, unsigned char *mask, 

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