Hello @peter.gaston, thank you for taking the time to report these issues with us. We’ve been looking through them carefully to see how we can improve.
The second point, where the forklift body is merged with the floor I believe is limited to a visualization issue due to the limited colour palette used and the high number of unique instances in this scene.
The first point is more critical. The reason the forklift “forks” are a separate ID than the forklift body is because the forks are also labelled with a unique semantic label (the higher level forklift object is labelled “object_forklift” while the child object forks are labelled “forklift”. Without any filtering, the end result is what you currently get which I agree is not ideal. I’ve put together a small change that filters out instances without user-defined semantics. Please swap the file attools/composer/src/output/output.py with the attached version and let us know your feedback and whether this resolves the issues you encountered. Thank you!