Returning to 'retraining on the Cat/DogDataset' there is a error

Hi Jetson-inference,

I successfully built a minimalist classification model based on the S3E3 tutorial. It was apparent that I needed to gather more data to enlarge the (4) datasets in order to get an improved performance.

I adjusted the content of the various folders in the ‘train’, ‘val’ and ‘test’ folders. This included removing some ambiguous files from the first database.

When I run my equivalent of:
"root@nano:/jetson-inference/python/training/classification# python3 --model-dir=models/cat_dog --batch-size=8 --workers=2 --epochs=35’
I get an error after DIR:
“ error: the following arguments are required: DIR”

The ‘data’ and ‘models’ folders do not appear to be missing anything.

I would be happy to start again completely.

Could you advise on the way to do that?

Many thanks

This issue has gone away. Don’t know why. It wasn’t just a reboot.

Have a nice day.

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