RLidar an Isaac SDK

I have an xavier agx and a RPlidar from Slamtech but i dont know how to use it with the Nvidia Isaac SDK.
Do anyone have used, or have an idea please.

Hi @a01769322,

Hope you are well.

This link will be good for to get started:https://docs.nvidia.com/isaac/isaac/doc/setup.html

Notice: it is the documentation of Nvidia Isaac.

We currently only support inside Isaac these 3 LIDARs:

  • Velodyne VLP16 LIDAR
  • Livox Mid-40 LIDAR
  • YD LiDAR (Documentation)

However, you can implement your own driver for the RPLidar and use it with all of the other applications. We open-source the Velodyne and Livox drivers so you can use it as a reference:

Additionally, some of our sensor partners have brought up their hardware onto Isaac so you can also have these as a reference: NVIDIA Isaac · GitHub

If your custom package needs external dependencies, here is how to do add them: How to Add a New External Dependency

Note that you should make sure this Lidar is compatible with Jetson.


Hi, thanks for your response, so it will be easily to adquire one of those lidar you mention, than implement the driver of the RPLidar. I got another question, do you know any tutorial of how to start creating an app but in python???

Yes, Isaac also has Python support although the current version is still experimental. We are working towards a lot of improvements on this. Stay tuned!

Please have a look at Developing Codelets in Python for documentation and examples.


Hi, what do you recommend to me, to use python, or how start to make my first app.

The link I provided above should help you to start building your first Isaac app with Python.

For general Isaac development we have a lot of sample apps described here.
There are 2 Python apps examples in //apps/tutorials/ and the equivalent implementation in C++ so you can also compare both.

Additioanlly, the Webinar will give you a good walk-through on developing with Isaac SDK.

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Hi thanks for this info, but how can i enter to the webinar, this can ve useful for my project

You just need to fill in your info in the weblink and click submit