I have setup a simulation using a moveit2 and Isaac executes the plan coming from the joint executor by consuming the /joint_command topic as shown in this tutorial How To Command Simulated Isaac Robot — MoveIt Documentation: Rolling documentation.
However, the robot does not really follow the trajectory that is planned by moveit2. There are two main issues, first of all the robot does a lot of cranky movement and halts.
Furthermore, specifically joint_4 seems to just do random revolutions even though in the movement plan it’s always set to 0 (which is also in the planner constraints). I have played around with damping and stiffness which are both very high now but it seems to just behave the same. I also set the max joint limits in the UI without success.
Can someone help with making the robot behave more predictibly? It looks like the physics engine is trying to simulate the effect of the movement on the robot body, I don’t really need that as I expect the robot to have the right limits to prevent that.
Attached a small video.