Robot state publisher for realsense example isaac ros

Hello, Im trying to connect my realsense to my urdf and im having a bit of difficulty. since the update to isaac ros 3.2 i have not been able to determine where the robot_state_publisher is being ran for the realsense. Im using the launch file, in I am adding these parameters:

        'publish_map_to_odom_tf' : False,
        'publish_odom_to_rig_tf' : False,

to prevent it from clashing with my publishings.

this is what it looks like when i run ros2 run tf2_tools view_frames
frames_2024-12-23_17.13.13.pdf (23.0 KB)

what would i need in my URDF to get the camera to link properly? I currently have this at the bottom of my URDF and it used to work but not anymore:

  <xacro:include filename="$(find realsense2_description)/urdf/_d435i.urdf.xacro" />
  <xacro:sensor_d435i parent="base_link" name="camera0">
    <origin xyz="0.32 0 0.0725" rpy="0 0 0" />

any help would be greatly appreciated! I know im missing something or rather its not set up correctly.


To resolve the issue with your RealSense camera in ROS 2, ensure that the robot_state_publisher is correctly included in your launch file. Add the necessary Node for robot_state_publisher if it’s missing. Also, check that your URDF for the camera and transforms between base_link and camera0 are correctly defined. Ensure that your launch file has the right parameters for the RealSense camera, such as disabling conflicting transforms with 'publish_map_to_odom_tf': False and 'publish_odom_to_rig_tf': False. Additionally, verify that all transforms are being published by running ros2 topic echo /tf to check for any issues with the frame tree.

thanks for the reply.

Ive solved the issue. There is actually an error in one of the parameter names. Instead of 'publish_odom_to_rig_tf' It is actually 'publish_odom_to_base_tf' This needs to be fixed in the documentation!

To resolve your issue with linking the Realsense camera to your URDF in Isaac ROS, ensure that the robot_state_publisher node is properly configured and running. The URDF should correctly define the transforms between the camera and base link, as well as other required frames. Additionally, make sure that your launch file includes the correct parameters to prevent clashes with other transforms. If further support is needed or for more information on handling these configurations, you can visit the official Skynode site at skynode.