ROS2 error running navigation example: package 'nav2_bringup' not found

I am trying to run the ros2 example for the navigation in isaac sim:

Everything worked until the section ‘running-nav2’:
When I hit play again, rviz wont open and when I try to execute the command:
ros2 launch carter_navigation

I get the following error:
`Caught exception when trying to load file of format [py]: "package 'nav2_bringup' not found, searching: ['/home/schmi/ros2_ws/install/isaac_ros2_messages', '/home/schmi/ros2_ws/install/carter_navigation', '/home/schmi/ros2_ws/install/carter_description', '/home/schmi/ros2_foxy/ros2-linux']"`

Why is it searching for a package ''nav2_bringup" in my workspace?

Thank you very much in advance

In the docs it said, that I should try the previous step again if it does not work. And I have done so now numerous times, to no avail

nav2_bringup is a dependency of the carter_navigation sample

And should be installed when you setup your ros2 workspace

Can you give me more details, because I didn’t find the solution in the link you provided?

@mmmmark perhaps take a look at the specific sections (6.3.2 and that cover how to set up the ros2 workspace with the carter_navigation package - 6. ROS & ROS 2 Installation — Omniverse IsaacSim latest documentation