ROS2 Nav Global Map Offset Issues & Navigation Goal Issues

Isaac Sim Version

[ X] 4.2.0
Other (please specify):

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Other (please specify):

ROS2 Foxy

Topic Description

Detailed Description

I am trying to run the Isaac Sim ROS2 Navigation Goals example in a custom environment and am running into various issues.

When I replicate the example using a custom environment, the global map in Rviz is off-centre. This is not an issue when setting a navigation goal within Rviz, but when I set a goal in the txt file and run isaac_ros_navigation_goal the robot just spins in place. I have edited the initial pose in the param.yaml file to fit the new environment, but that makes no difference as the global map is offset. I have also updated the map.yaml file and map.png file for the custom environment.

In addition, when running the example in the custom environment I get the following warning:
[rviz2]: Message Filter dropping message: frame 'odom' at time 354.950 for reason 'Unknown'

I’ve ran ros2 run tf2_tools and compared the frames.pdf for both the original example and my custom version and there is no difference between them.

I would like to be able to set up a navigation goals simulation in a custom environment, so would be grateful for any help with this. Thank you!

Hey @christmas_robot! Do you mind sharing your USD file (as collective if there are any references) so we can try to reproduce your issue?