Rules and Regulations of shared Extensions


This site allows members to share their created Extensions with the Omniverse community. Please be advised, NVIDIA does not vet the Extension content shared on this forum.

By sharing content on this forum, you automatically grant the irrevocable and perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully-paid, royalty-free, worldwide license, by ourselves or others, to use, copy, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, print, publish, republish, excerpt (in whole or part), reformat, translate, modify, revise and incorporate into other works, that the content and any works derived from that content, in any form of media or expression, in the manner in which NVIDIA Omniverse permits content to be used, and to license or permit others to do so.

Users have the right to sublicense content to other Users to permit their use of that content in the manner in which the service permits content to be used.

You must own all intellectual property in your own original content you contribute. You must not upload or contribute any content not originally created by you, or any content which is not property licensed to you by someone else for uploading or contributing.


Yes! Good! Do this!

  • This is your community. Celebrate your creativity, be social and share what is important to you.
  • We are a global and diverse community. Every site member has the right to feel comfortable, so be polite and respectful in your interactions with other site members.
  • Respect the copyright of others and only upload content that you have created.

No! Bad! Do Not Do this!

  • Don’t create Extensions that modify user’s computers in unexpected or harmful ways, such as malware or viruses
  • Don’t create Extensions that fraudulently attempt to gather sensitive information, such as Steam credentials or financial data (e.g. credit card information)
  • Don’t upload content that is illegal or prohibited.