run 'backend'(detect car) demo,monitor will shut down!

use command
“./backend 1 …/…/data/Video/sample_outdoor_car_1080p_10fps.h264 H264 --trt-deployfile …/…/data/Model/GoogleNet_one_class/GoogleNet_modified_oneClass_halfHD.prototxt --trt-modelfile …/…/data/Model/GoogleNet_one_class/GoogleNet_modified_oneClass_halfHD.caffemodel --trt-mode 0 --trt-proc-interval 1 -fps 10”

terminal show:
Net has batch_size, channel, net_height, net_width:1 3 540 960
mode has been set to 0(using fp16)
outputs coverage
outputs bboxes

after a while, monitor shut down, I don’t know if it has anything to do with power or temperature.
did anyone run it successfully ? please help me


Could you monitor the system with tegrastats and share the log with us?

$ sudo tegrastats


Thank you very much for your reply, I finally found the problem. I use 5v2A usb power adapter before, when I replace it with a 5v2.6A power adapter, the problem has solved. Maybe the power adapter cause the error.

Thanks for the update.
Good to know it works now.