Isaac Sim Version
Other (please specify):
Isaac Lab Version (if applicable)
Other (please specify):
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Other (please specify):
GPU Information
- Model: GeForce RTX 4070 Ti 12GB
- Driver Version: 550.100
Topic Description
Detailed Description
I want to create a HIL (Hardware in the Loop) scenario with Isaac Sim 4.0 and Isaac ROS just like the example in the following link: GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/isaac_demo: Set of demo to try Isaac ROS with Isaac SIM. Since this demo is based on Isaac Sim 2022.2.1 and JetPack 5.1.2, I can not use most of the functionality (such as the Carter V1 providing depth image while the Nova Carter doesn’t) on newer versions. I tried to adapt the code for the Isaac Sim 4.0 with the following changes but still get Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
errors when I run the Isaac Sim.
- Changed
initialization order as a workaround provided here: Isaac Sim - People Simulation broken in 4.1.0 - #11 by marcelo.jacinto - Changed
carter_prim_path = '/World/Carter_ROS'
tocarter_prim_path = '/World/Nova_Carter_ROS'
in order to access Nova Carter’s OmniGraph nodes. - Adapted node names when changing publication topics from:
rgb = controller.node(f'ros2_create_camera_{name}_rgb',
rgb = controller.node(f'{name}_camera_publish_image',
- Commenting out
functionality completely causing theFatal Python error: Segmentation fault
error, etc.
What I really want to achieve here is just to be able to test some examples and work my way to implementing some custom ROS applications with existing environments and robots. I want to be able to send goal points from my Jetson AGX Orin’s rviz screen and see how my custom ROS2 nodes doing on the simulation.
I wanted to start writing my own OmniGraph node script in Python and start Isaac Sim with it using
but I could not find tutorials on how to start doing that with Isaac Sim 4.0.0.
Would Introduction to Robotic Simulations in Isaac Sim self-paced course help me do that?
What are the first steps for creating/adapting such a scenario on newer Isaac Sim 4.0.0 and Isaac ROS versions?
I’m mostly interested in AMR workflows.
Thanks in advance!