Thank you very much for your help. I opened Pin 32 and 33 of jetson nano as PWM0 and PWM3 and changed the board in the above code from BCM to BOARD and put the name of pins. The working code is as follows:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # using Rpi.GPIO module
from time import sleep # import function sleep for delay
#GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # GPIO numbering
GPIO.setwarnings(False) # enable warning from GPIO
AN2 = 33 # set pwm2 pin on MD10-Hat
AN1 = 32 # set pwm1 pin on MD10-hat
DIG2 = 18 # set dir2 pin on MD10-Hat
DIG1 = 37 # set dir1 pin on MD10-Hat
GPIO.setup(AN2, GPIO.OUT) # set pin as output
GPIO.setup(AN1, GPIO.OUT) # set pin as output
GPIO.setup(DIG2, GPIO.OUT) # set pin as output
GPIO.setup(DIG1, GPIO.OUT) # set pin as output
sleep(1) # delay for 1 seconds
p1 = GPIO.PWM(AN1, 100) # set pwm for M1
p2 = GPIO.PWM(AN2, 100) # set pwm for M2
while True:
print ("Left") # display "Forward" when programe run
GPIO.output(DIG1, GPIO.HIGH) # set DIG1 as HIGH, M1B will turn ON
GPIO.output(DIG2, GPIO.LOW) # set DIG2 as HIGH, M2B will turn ON
p1.start(100) # set speed for M1 at 100%
p2.start(100) # set speed for M2 at 100%
sleep(2) #delay for 2 second
print ("Forward")
GPIO.output(DIG1, GPIO.LOW) # set DIG1 as LOW, to control direction
GPIO.output(DIG2, GPIO.LOW) # set DIG2 as LOW, to control direction
p1.start(100) # set speed for M1 at 100%
p2.start(100) # set speed for M2 at 100%
sleep(2) #delay for 2 second
print ("Backward")
GPIO.output(DIG1, GPIO.HIGH) # set DIG1 as HIGH, to control direction
GPIO.output(DIG2, GPIO.HIGH) # set DIG2 as HIGH, to control direction
p1.start(100) # set speed for M1 at 100%
p2.start(100) # set speed for M2 at 100%
sleep(2) #delay for 2 second
print ("Right")
print ("STOP")
GPIO.output(DIG1, GPIO.LOW) # Direction can ignore
GPIO.output(DIG2, GPIO.LOW) # Direction can ignore
p1.start(0) # set speed for M1 at 0%
p2.start(0) # set speed for M2 at 0%
sleep(3) #delay for 3 second
except: # exit programe when keyboard interupt
p1.start(0) # set speed to 0
p2.start(0) # set speed to 0
# Control+x to save file and exit
Now, I can run two motors in forward and backward direction. Thank you.