SDK FluidGL problem

I am trying to implement a 3D fluid simulator based on SDK’s fluidGL, but i don’t know how to translate the projection part to 3D, here is the code

// This method performs velocity diffusion and forces mass conservation 

// in the frequency domain. The inputs 'vx' and 'vy' are complex-valued 

// arrays holding the Fourier coefficients of the velocity field in

// X and Y. Diffusion in this space takes a simple form described as:

// v(k,t) = v(k,t) / (1 + visc * dt * k^2), where visc is the viscosity,

// and k is the wavenumber. The projection step forces the Fourier

// velocity vectors to be orthogonal to the vectors for each

// wavenumber: v(k,t) = v(k,t) - ((k dot v(k,t) * k) / k^2.

__global__ void 

diffuseProject_k(cData *vx, cData *vy, int dx, int dy, float dt, 

				 float visc, int lb) {

	int gtidx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	int gtidy = blockIdx.y * (lb * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y * lb;

	int p;

	cData xterm, yterm;

	// gtidx is the domain location in x for this thread

	if (gtidx < dx) {

		for (p = 0; p < lb; p++) {

			// fi is the domain location in y for this thread

			int fi = gtidy + p;

			if (fi < dy) {

				int fj = fi * dx + gtidx;

				xterm = vx[fj];

				yterm = vy[fj];

				// Compute the index of the wavenumber based on the

				// data order produced by a standard NN FFT.

				int iix = gtidx;

				int iiy = (fi>dy/2)?(fi-(dy)):fi;

				// Velocity diffusion

				float kk = (float)(iix * iix + iiy * iiy); // k^2 

				float diff = 1.f / (1.f + visc * dt * kk);

				xterm.x *= diff; xterm.y *= diff;

				yterm.x *= diff; yterm.y *= diff;

				// Velocity projection

				if (kk > 0.f) {

					float rkk = 1.f / kk;

					// Real portion of velocity projection

					float rkp = (iix * xterm.x + iiy * yterm.x);

					// Imaginary portion of velocity projection

					float ikp = (iix * xterm.y + iiy * yterm.y);

					xterm.x -= rkk * rkp * iix;

					xterm.y -= rkk * ikp * iix;

					yterm.x -= rkk * rkp * iiy;

					yterm.y -= rkk * ikp * iiy;



				vx[fj] = xterm;

				vy[fj] = yterm;





Anyone give me some ideas?

I don’t know the wavenumber in Z. And i think i need to forces the Fourier velocity vectors to be orthogonal to the plane for each wavenumber, but i have no idea how to start.