SDK Manager command error code 67

I’m trying to setup a new Jetson AGX Xavier development kit but SDK Manager hangs when trying to install the Jetson SDK Components.

All the components show “Install Pending” as the status. The progress bar is stuck at Installing: 33.33%.

The Jetson has flashed properly and I can login both interactively and via SSH (both on the wired network and the USB connection with the default address). The sdkm log shows a bunch of errors similar to this one:

16:27:12.590 - info: hello
16:27:12.591 - info: cmd finished success SDKM_END_CODE_SUCCESS_72a44c02-de94-42fb-ad92-3956b9cad19b
16:27:12.591 - info: command finished successfully
16:27:12.595 - info: Validated its username and password.
16:27:12.602 - info: cmd finished success SDKM_END_CODE_SUCCESS_f36a84ee-e65a-446f-9c73-bd6c55322587
16:27:12.603 - info: command finished successfully
16:27:12.636 - info: Using GenericInstaller to Query NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP
16:27:12.637 - info: change working directory to /tmp
16:27:12.637 - info: exec_command: ssh -F /dev/null -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no andreac@ "dpkg-query -W -f='\${db:Status-abbrev} \${Version}' cuda-toolkit-10-2"
16:29:12.734 - info: terminal waiting for incoming message timeout
16:29:12.734 - info: Enter passphrase for key '/home/andreac/.ssh/id_rsa': 
16:29:12.734 - info: auto filling '\r'
16:29:12.734 - info: "\r"
16:29:12.739 - info:  
16:29:12.739 - info: [target] andreac@'s password: 
16:29:12.739 - info: [TARGET PASSWORD]
16:29:12.744 - info:  
16:29:12.744 - info: Target Deb package [{cuda-toolkit-10-2 10.2}] not installed; [deb_name]: cuda-repo-l4t-10-2-local-10.2.89_1.0-1_arm64.deb
16:29:12.745 - error: cmd finished failure SDKM_END_CODE_FAILURE_7d218507-fc82-40d2-8239-72eb335fb9cf_67
16:29:12.745 - error: command error code: 67
16:29:12.748 - info: Event:  - error code is: 1067
16:29:12.748 - warn: Failed to get component from group data map for 
16:29:12.748 - error: command terminated with error
16:29:12.752 - error: Failed: using adapter to query target component: NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: 
16:29:12.757 - info: cmd finished success SDKM_END_CODE_SUCCESS_5fbc0764-1854-455a-94a9-dc8ce0cb02e3
16:29:12.757 - info: command finished successfully

How do I fix it?

Hi andrea,

Can you please try following steps?

  1. Install SDK Manager 1.3,
  2. Run sdkmanager command in a terminal window.
    sdkmanager --spectron --enable-logging -v=1
  3. Package then attach ~/.nvsdkm directory for more investigation?

Hi kayccc, here you are. Thanks!

nvsdkm.tar.gz (469.2 KB)

Hi andrea,
From the log, we could see the ssh connection is requesting passphrase. However, SDK Manager doesn’t have any knowledge of the passphrase. It only asked for username and password of the target before target installation. This is blocking the installation. Can you please disable the passphrase request in ssh connection then retry?

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Ah! That did the trick. ssh tried to use my private key to authenticate. I had to temporarily move my private key from the ~/.ssh folder, and then I was able to start the installation. It’s running now. Thanks!