SDK Manager log

Hi we have two Xavier Board, run the same Program, one will shunt down for about one or several hours, the other have run for 48 hours still normal, how can I get the system level log? the SDKmanager log or ?
we want know why this happened,Whether it’s related to voltage?
Please help,thanks

What program did you run? I believe this is more like power issue so capturing the log may not be helpful here.

Are you able to measure the operating voltage and current when the program running?

I don’t know how to measure the voltage.How should I do this please?

How about your program? What program are you using?

My program decode 38 1080P video files with DeepStream 4.0 SDK,and do Inference with Yolov3 at the same time.Using TensorRT with FP16.It has some thread to do other things,for example ,writing bmp into disk,encode into video and so on.

Hi, can you use oscilloscope to measure the voltage of DC Jack to see if any voltage drop? You can use command tegrastat to show the status of CPU/GPU/CORE etc.

Hi,Thanks for help.Unfortunately we have no experience in hardware.And tegrastat log show no problem.

What’s the value of total power in the tegrastat log when shutdown? Is there any peak on it?

RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [24%@2265,19%@2265,12%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265,8%@2265,7%@2265,8%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 15% AO@47C GPU@49.5C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50C AUX@45.5C CPU@48.5C thermal@48.35C PMIC@100C GPU 14585/14069 CPU 1672/2179 SOC 8208/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2734/2715 SYS5V 3325/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [23%@2265,19%@2265,12%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265,10%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 89% AO@47C GPU@52C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50C AUX@45.5C CPU@49C thermal@48.05C PMIC@100C GPU 15781/14070 CPU 1821/2179 SOC 8497/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3033/2715 SYS5V 3440/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [14%@2265,26%@2265,6%@2265,10%@2265,7%@2265,8%@2265,6%@2265,6%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 98% AO@46.5C GPU@51.5C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50C AUX@45.5C CPU@49C thermal@48.05C PMIC@100C GPU 13832/14070 CPU 1672/2179 SOC 8059/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2736/2715 SYS5V 3285/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [19%@2265,22%@2265,8%@2265,7%@2265,10%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265,7%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 75% AO@47C GPU@52C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50.25C AUX@45.5C CPU@49C thermal@48.5C PMIC@100C GPU 16236/14070 CPU 1821/2179 SOC 8497/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3033/2715 SYS5V 3445/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [22%@2265,14%@2265,6%@2265,7%@2265,8%@2265,7%@2265,6%@2265,7%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 80% AO@47C GPU@52C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50C AUX@45.5C CPU@49C thermal@48.35C PMIC@100C GPU 14883/14070 CPU 1671/2179 SOC 8204/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2884/2715 SYS5V 3365/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [29%@2265,18%@2265,9%@2265,8%@2265,8%@2265,11%@2265,10%@2265,5%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 95% AO@47C GPU@52C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50.25C AUX@45.5C CPU@49C thermal@48.35C PMIC@100C GPU 16078/14070 CPU 1669/2179 SOC 8497/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2881/2715 SYS5V 3400/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [24%@2265,15%@2265,7%@2265,8%@2265,8%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265,9%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 12% AO@47C GPU@50.5C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50.25C AUX@45.5C CPU@48.5C thermal@47.3C PMIC@100C GPU 15035/14070 CPU 1671/2179 SOC 8201/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2885/2715 SYS5V 3365/3355
RAM 13280/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 219/7849MB (cached 19MB) CPU [26%@2265,17%@2265,6%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265,8%@2265,7%@2265,5%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 89% AO@46.5C GPU@50C Tboard@46C Tdiode@50C AUX@45.5C CPU@48.5C thermal@48.2C PMIC@100C GPU 13240/14070 CPU 1674/2179 SOC 7913/7944 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2585/2715 SYS5V 3245/3355

Please run tegrastats with “sudo” to open more detailed log.

I am testing my program and the shutting down problem have no happened again,but I will test is another problem.My program was killed by one of the three devices.But memory didn’t hit the is the tegrastats log.

RAM 13528/15698MB (lfb 3x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [11%@2265,13%@2265,7%@2265,11%@2265,9%@2265,6%@2265,24%@2265,20%@2265] EMC_FREQ 61%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 98%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 3% AO@45C GPU@50C Tboard@44C Tdiode@48C AUX@43C CPU@47C thermal@45.7C PMIC@100C GPU 16762/14767 CPU 1830/2256 SOC 8689/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3047/2797 SYS5V 3485/3403
RAM 13528/15698MB (lfb 3x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [16%@2265,17%@2265,13%@2265,8%@2265,10%@2265,7%@2265,25%@2265,15%@2265] EMC_FREQ 59%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 89%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 5% AO@45C GPU@50C Tboard@44C Tdiode@48C AUX@43C CPU@47C thermal@46.3C PMIC@100C GPU 15556/14767 CPU 1983/2256 SOC 8391/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2897/2797 SYS5V 3565/3403
RAM 13528/15698MB (lfb 3x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [13%@2265,10%@2265,5%@2265,7%@2265,9%@2265,11%@2265,21%@2265,22%@2265] EMC_FREQ 62%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 62%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 4% AO@45C GPU@50C Tboard@44C Tdiode@47.75C AUX@43.5C CPU@47C thermal@46.3C PMIC@100C GPU 16914/14767 CPU 1829/2256 SOC 8685/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3046/2797 SYS5V 3525/3403
RAM 13525/15698MB (lfb 3x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [14%@2265,11%@2265,10%@2265,9%@2265,50%@2265,11%@2265,22%@2265,16%@2265] EMC_FREQ 57%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 59%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 6% AO@45C GPU@49.5C Tboard@44C Tdiode@47.75C AUX@43C CPU@47C thermal@44.8C PMIC@100C GPU 15702/14767 CPU 3355/2256 SOC 8388/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2895/2797 SYS5V 3405/3403
RAM 13525/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [14%@2265,12%@2265,12%@2265,26%@2265,39%@2265,8%@2265,28%@2265,22%@2265] EMC_FREQ 57%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 98%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 3% AO@45C GPU@48.5C Tboard@44C Tdiode@47.75C AUX@43C CPU@47C thermal@46.3C PMIC@100C GPU 13590/14767 CPU 2749/2256 SOC 8093/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2747/2797 SYS5V 3325/3403
RAM 13533/15698MB (lfb 1x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [21%@2265,11%@2265,12%@2265,70%@2265,14%@2265,64%@2265,22%@2265,25%@2265] EMC_FREQ 60%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 98%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 5% AO@45C GPU@50C Tboard@44C Tdiode@48C AUX@43.5C CPU@47.5C thermal@46.45C PMIC@100C GPU 16588/14767 CPU 4569/2256 SOC 8526/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3043/2797 SYS5V 3485/3403
RAM 13532/15698MB (lfb 1x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [9%@2265,15%@2265,22%@2265,13%@2265,39%@2265,32%@2265,48%@2265,18%@2265] EMC_FREQ 58%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 83%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 4% AO@45C GPU@50C Tboard@44C Tdiode@47.75C AUX@43C CPU@47.5C thermal@45.55C PMIC@100C GPU 15238/14767 CPU 4420/2256 SOC 8228/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2894/2797 SYS5V 3405/3403
RAM 13533/15698MB (lfb 2x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [47%@2265,17%@2265,50%@2265,13%@2265,57%@2265,12%@2265,24%@2265,25%@2265] EMC_FREQ 61%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 87%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 2% AO@45C GPU@49C Tboard@44C Tdiode@48C AUX@43.5C CPU@47.5C thermal@46.35C PMIC@100C GPU 16139/14767 CPU 4569/2256 SOC 8377/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3045/2797 SYS5V 3445/3403
RAM 13534/15698MB (lfb 1x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [65%@2265,14%@2265,11%@2265,46%@2265,19%@2265,84%@2265,57%@2265,21%@2265] EMC_FREQ 59%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 67%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 2% AO@45C GPU@49.5C Tboard@44C Tdiode@48C AUX@43.5C CPU@48.5C thermal@46.8C PMIC@100C GPU 15669/14767 CPU 6544/2256 SOC 8522/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 3041/2797 SYS5V 3480/3403
RAM 13535/15698MB (lfb 1x2MB) SWAP 681/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [25%@2265,14%@2265,48%@2265,66%@2265,17%@2265,11%@2265,57%@2265,21%@2265] EMC_FREQ 56%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 98%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 5% AO@45C GPU@49.5C Tboard@44C Tdiode@47.75C AUX@43.5C CPU@48C thermal@46.05C PMIC@100C GPU 14025/14767 CPU 5185/2257 SOC 8083/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2742/2797 SYS5V 3285/3403
RAM 10022/15698MB (lfb 83x4MB) SWAP 204/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [15%@2265,48%@2265,54%@2265,17%@2265,46%@2265,15%@2265,67%@2265,24%@2265] EMC_FREQ 46%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 11% AO@44C GPU@45.5C Tboard@44C Tdiode@47.25C AUX@43C CPU@47C thermal@45.3C PMIC@100C GPU 7357/14767 CPU 5673/2257 SOC 5977/8139 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 1532/2797 SYS5V 2764/3403
RAM 3277/15698MB (lfb 245x4MB) SWAP 202/7849MB (cached 3MB) CPU [5%@2265,59%@2265,0%@2265,42%@2265,0%@2265,1%@2265,17%@2265,40%@2265] EMC_FREQ 21%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@1377 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 3% AO@43C GPU@44C Tboard@44C Tdiode@46.5C AUX@42.5C CPU@45C thermal@45.3C PMIC@100C GPU 1697/14766 CPU 3396/2257 SOC 2932/8138 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 154/2797 SYS5V 2166/3403
RAM 3279/15698MB (lfb 245x4MB) SWAP 200/7849MB (cached 4MB) CPU [3%@2265,0%@2265,12%@2265,87%@2265,2%@2265,1%@2265,0%@2265,0%@2265] EMC_FREQ 9%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@1377 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 4% AO@42.5C GPU@43C Tboard@44C Tdiode@46C AUX@42C CPU@44C thermal@43.7C PMIC@100C GPU 1081/14765 CPU 2780/2257 SOC 2471/8138 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 0/2797 SYS5V 2086/3403
RAM 3279/15698MB (lfb 245x4MB) SWAP 200/7849MB (cached 4MB) CPU [0%@2265,0%@2265,13%@2265,44%@2265,0%@2265,0%@2265,0%@2265,40%@2265] EMC_FREQ 4%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@1377 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 10% AO@42.5C GPU@42.5C Tboard@43C Tdiode@45.5C AUX@41.5C CPU@44C thermal@42.7C PMIC@100C GPU 1081/14764 CPU 2627/2257 SOC 2471/8138 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 0/2796 SYS5V 2046/3403
RAM 3279/15698MB (lfb 245x4MB) SWAP 200/7849MB (cached 4MB) CPU [0%@2265,0%@2265,0%@2265,7%@2265,0%@2265,0%@2265,0%@2265,43%@2265] EMC_FREQ 2%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@1377 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 12% AO@42C GPU@42.5C Tboard@43C Tdiode@45C AUX@40.5C CPU@43C thermal@42.55C PMIC@100C GPU 1082/14763 CPU 1082/2257 SOC 2473/8137 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 0/2796 SYS5V 2046/3403