See talk on OptiX next release features and other talks

Hey, if you missed the OptiX talk at Siggraph you can now see it online. Brandon and I go over several features of the next OptiX release, and I showcase a few awesome things customers and partners are doing with OptiX. Jan Tamanek describes using OptiX in their film renderer, FurryBall. At the same link you can see Phil’s talk on OptiX, IRay, and IRay’s great new Material Description Language. They’re both at SIGGRAPH 2022 Conference | August 8-11 | NVIDIA

And in case you missed the live stream, here is Pixar’s talk showing off their OptiX-based lighting tool, plus all the other talks from our theater:

Finally, if you need an OptiX beginning or advanced tutorial, please check out the two talks we did at GTC 2013:
GTC 2022: #1 AI Conference search for OptiX.

Since you quickly showed the Visual Studio OptiX Wizard:
I hope that you still support cross-platform builds using CMake!?

Yes, that isn’t going to change. We will simply be supplying a wizard for those individuals who wish to have an alternative.