Segmentation fault during compilation of OpenCL kernel


compilation of the following kernel crashes on NVIDIA GPUs with segfault:

__kernel void A(float4 a, __global float4* b, __global float4* c, unsigned int d, __global double* e, __global int2* f, __global int4* g, __constant int* h, __constant int* i) {
  A(a, b, c, d, d, e, f, g, h);

Full test case here: Ubuntu Pastebin

Host OS: Ubuntu Linux 16.04
Device: GTX 1080 running driver 375.39, and GTX 780 with driver 361.42


Reduced version of the above:

kernel void A(constant int* a, global int2* b) {
  A(b, a);

The error appears to be in the combination of implicit conversion from constant to global address space, and different types int to int2.
