Serial Console Log: ASSERT [FvNorFlashStandaloneMm]

My jetson is not booting anymore, I tried to connect serial console and got this assert error. After this line I cannot do any other command.

Here is the log:
ASSERT [FvNorFlashStandaloneMm] /out/nvidia/optee.t234-uefi/StandaloneMmOptee_RELEASE/edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/Drivers/FvbForFlashDxe/FvbNorFlashStandaloneMm.c (937): ((BOOLEAN) (0==1))

I tried to reflash my SD card with balena but it does not worked.
Anyone knows this ?

Flash the whole board with sdkmanager from another x86 host PC. The bootloader on the board is crashed so changing sdcard won’t work.

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Ok thank you very much. I’ll tried that then

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