Series 550 freezes laptop

as @bakabo8 pointed out, I tried the 550.78 (open) drivers .
Those fixed the issue(s) for me! (4050, gentoo, hwprobe, emerge --info)

What I tested:

  • Boot with “default” commandline/kernelsettings
  • nvidia-smi works now. Didn’t work with closed 550.76 drivers, as the module(s) failed to work correctly (didn’t test without uvm, as @demensdeum suggested, as this has drawbacks). Turning on pci debugging showed some errors related to vulkaninfo/eglinfo blocking? (on 550.76 closed) I’d guess this is why nvidia-smi or other applications were stuck. dmesg 550.76-closed at 18:03:45
  • prime-run valheim max settings, no dlss@1080p (~55 avg fps, no huge drops in starting area) didn’t see any issues in a quick test
  • nvidia/pci power management seems to finally work again, going to D3COLD when dGPU is not in use. It didn’t work reliable at all on 550.xx yet for me, so I downgraded to “stable” 535.171.04(closed)
  • suspend also works in combination with acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" bootparameter ("Windows 2015" is correct for me, you need to lookup yours). I sadly can’t remember, but either on 550.76-open/closed or 535.171-open the first suspend (with dGPU locked in D0 after resume) succeeded and the second to third suspend resulted in a kernel panic. (for reproducing).


  • lots of warnings due to nvidia-open 0x0[dot]st/XHek.txt
  • glxgears has strange output ibb[dot]co/2tKYRgy
  • will do some more testing/benchmarking, but I will probably downgrade to 535.xx-closed again for now.

edit: Not fixed for nvidia-550.78-closed.

What works on closed:

  • Boot->startx->nvidia-smi
  • I’m not sure about initial pci power state.

What didn’t work on closed:

  • starting valheim as before(gets stuck), starting nvidia-smi after this again(now stuck, not responding, ctrl+c not working) dmesg 550.78-closed (similar to above 550.76 dmesg) - I guess you can reproduce it with other directx/vulkan/3d applications/games that utilize the dGPU by prime-run
  • /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/power/runtime_status remains active
  • edit: shutdown. System was stuck on ending user processes. SysRq r+e+i didn’t solve it either. Had to SysRq s+u+b in order to reboot forcefully. edit2: SysRq + o didn’t shutdown the system, I had to press power key for 10 sec.

edit: numa=off didn’t change anything as it seems (compared to above 550.78-closed run). bpa[dot]st/MGCA

ps.: nvidia-smi does not show “X” as application anymore, not sure if this is 550.xx, or xorg related.

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