Set GStreamer camera settings after initialization

Hi Guys,

Can anyone please help me to set the GStreamer camera settings using open-cv after the camera is initialized?

hello niteshgaba,

may I know what’s your actual use-case.
what are the settings you’re going to configure after camera start streaming?

Hi JerryChang,

I would like to change the awmode and loca the exposure after few seconds once the camera is initialized.

The other alternative i could think of is, finding the right amount of exposure and setting it manually.

Thanks for helping in advance

hello niteshgaba ,

you cannot modify the settings if you’re having gstreamer pipeline to launch camera for streaming.
however, you may test with argus_camera application. it provide the UIs to toggle the camera settings and show the results to preview frames instantly.

Hi @JerryChang,
I am using open-cv with gtreamer

hello niteshgaba ,

as you can see, it’s creating a gstreamer pipeline; it’s unavailable to change the awbmode and exposure after stream-on.

Hi @JerryChang ,
The other alternative i can think of is using gstreamer without open-cv. Do you think that will work ?

hello niteshgaba,

you may check nvgstcapture, it’s able to set sensor configurations during preview rendering.
or, you could refer to Multimedia API sample applications, please have implementations to call the AutoControlSettings APIs for camera configuration settings,

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