Set resolution for command: camera = jetson.utils.videoSource("csi://0" )

I am trying to use jetson.utils.videoSource from the example from the inference/detection github which is not the same as the video that is supposed to accompany it which uses the jetson.utils.gstCamera command that apparently is not the recommended way?.
Then there is the documentation for the command that says to use this syntax:
$ video-viewer --input-width=1920 --input-height=1080 --input-codec=h264 /dev/video0 but this doesn’t describe python syntax.
Can you please give an example, or provide documentation of how to set resolution using the directions that are now provided on github? The link to the documentation still points to doing it with gstCamera instead of videoSource.

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Hi HobieTCat, try to use this in your python code:

jetson.utils.videoSource(“csi://0”, [ ‘–input-width=1920’, ‘–input-height=1080’])