ShAIdes 2.0 is a much smaller, more practical, redesign of the original ShAIdes (GitHub - nickbild/shaides: My AI is so bright, I gotta wear shades.). Effect change in your surroundings by wearing these AI-enabled glasses. ShAIdes is a transparent UI for the real world.
How It Works
ShAIdes was initially designed as an all-in-one device; a camera attached to the glasses was hardwired to an NVIDIA Jetson Nano that the user hung around their neck in a small box. ShAIdes 2.0 greatly reduces the size and power requirements of the device by mounting a tiny ESP32-CAM to a pair of glasses.
The Jetson Nano has been replaced by a Jetson Xavier NX, and rather than carrying it around, it has been repurposed as an edge AI device. The ESP32-CAM remotely communicates with the NX over WiFi. As such, the Jetson can now be located anywhere in the same building (or further, depending on network configuration) as the device, and no longer needs to draw on the device battery power.
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