shared memory broadcasting It's not working in this kernel

Hi, I’m trying to use shared memory broadcasting in a kernel but I think is not working properly.

The kernel is this:

input_size = 2048

output_size = 2048

float inputs[input_size]

float results[output_size]

float weighs[input_size * output_size]


void SumFloatsConnectionsKernel(float* inputs, unsigned input_size, unsigned output_size, float* weighs, float* results)


	extern __shared__ float sdata[];

	unsigned outputNeuron = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	unsigned pos = threadIdx.x;

	while (pos < input_size){

			sdata[pos] = inputs[pos];


		pos += blockDim.x;



	if (outputNeuron < output_size){

		float result = 0;

		for (unsigned i=0; i < input_size; i++){

			result += sdata[i] * weighs[(i * output_size) + outputNeuron];


		results[outputNeuron] += result;



First, the inputs are loaded to shared memory. Then, some calculations are made. I expected sdata[i] to be broadcasted to every thread in the block, but it seems it doesn’t.

The reason why I think that (maybe it’s not a good reason) is that this other code runs faster while it kernel is using just 4 bytes of shared memory:


shared_mem_size = sizeof(float);

for (unsigned i=0; i < input_size; i++) {

	SumFloatsConnectionsKernel3<<< grid_size, block_size, shared_mem_size >>>((float*)inputPtr, input_size, i, output_size, (float*)weighs, results);




void SumFloatsConnectionsKernel3(float* inputs, unsigned input_size, unsigned input_id, unsigned output_size, float* weighs, float* results)


	extern __shared__ float sdata[];

	int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (idx == 0) sdata[0] = inputs[input_id];


	if (idx < output_size) results[idx] += sdata[0] * weighs[(idx * input_size) + input_id];


I think that the second code is using shared memory broadcasting and the first not.

How can I “force” my code to use it?

Thank you

I’m sorry, the first part of the code was wrong:


void SumFloatsConnectionsKernel(float* inputs, unsigned input_size, unsigned output_size, float* weighs, float* results)


	extern __shared__ float sdata[];

	unsigned outputNeuron = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	unsigned pos = threadIdx.x;

	while (pos < input_size){

		sdata[pos] = inputs[pos];

		pos += blockDim.x;



	if (outputNeuron < output_size){

		float result = 0;

		for (unsigned i=0; i < input_size; i++){

			result += sdata[i] * weighs[(i * output_size) + outputNeuron];


		results[outputNeuron] += result;



Maybe I just need a simple exmaple of vector-matrix multiplication, since what I’m doing is very similar.