simple heat transfer produces nan values

Hello , i wrote a heat transfer program based on the example in "cuda by an example " book.

I can’t figure why some times I am getting nan results ,sometimes not and sometimes too big numbers (10^16 values).

In the beginning the program creates the random matrix which will be the initial grid.
Then , the first kernel just copies the initial grid , in order for the second kernel to update the grid.
Then , using the cublas Swap function , we take the output of the updated grid and supply it as an input to the first kernel and so on…

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const int NbCells = 16;
const int threads = 1;
const int blocks = 1;//NbCells / threads;
const int speed = 0.25;

__device__ float generate( curandState * globalState, int ind )
	ind = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
	curandState localState = globalState[ ind ];
	float RANDOM = curand_uniform( &localState );
	globalState[ ind ] = localState;

	return RANDOM;

__global__ void setup_kernel( curandState * state, unsigned long seed )
	int id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
	curand_init( seed, id, 0, &state[ id ] );


__global__ void kernel( float * grid, curandState * globalState, int gridsize )
	// generate random numbers
	for ( int i = 0; i < gridsize; i++ )
		float k = generate( globalState, i );
		grid[ i ] = k;


//copy temperatures from inTemps to constTemps 
__global__ void copyTemp( float * inTemps , float * constTemps){

    int RowIdx = threadIdx.y + (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y);
    int ColIdx = threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x); 

    int offset = ( RowIdx * blockDim.x * gridDim.x ) + ColIdx;

    constTemps[offset] = inTemps[offset];


__global__ void updateTemp(float * inTemps , float * outTemps){

    int RowIdx = threadIdx.y + (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y);
    int ColIdx = threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x); 

    int offset = ( RowIdx * blockDim.x * gridDim.x ) + ColIdx;

    int Rows = blockDim.y * gridDim.y;
    int Cols = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
    int left = offset - 1;
    int right = offset + 1;
    int top = offset + Cols;
    int bottom = offset - Cols;
    //boundary conditions
    if ( ColIdx == 0 ) 		        left += Cols;
    if ( ColIdx == ( Cols - 1 ) ) 	right -= Cols;
    if ( RowIdx == ( Rows - 1 ) ) 	top -= Rows * Cols;
    if ( RowIdx == 0 ) 	                bottom += Rows * Cols;

outTemps[offset] = inTemps[offset] + speed * ( inTemps[top] + inTemps[bottom] + inTemps + inTemps - 4 * inTemps[offset] );


int main(){
    int N = 100; // random numbers

    // allocate host memory
    float * grid;
    grid = (float*) malloc (NbCells * sizeof(float));
    assert( NULL != grid );

    float * newgrid;
    newgrid = (float*) malloc (NbCells * sizeof(float));
    assert( NULL != newgrid );
    //allocate device memory
    float *inTemps;
    cudaMalloc( (void **) &inTemps, NbCells * sizeof(float) );

    float * outTemps , * constTemps;
    cudaMalloc( (void **) &outTemps, NbCells * sizeof(float) );
    cudaMalloc( (void **) &constTemps, NbCells * sizeof(float) );

    /* Generating random numbers for filling grids  (inTemps and constTemps) */

    curandState * devStates;
    cudaMalloc( &devStates, N * sizeof(curandState) );
    // setup seeds
    setup_kernel<<<1,N>>>( devStates, unsigned( time(NULL)) );

    // generate random numbers for filling inTemps
    kernel<<<1,1>>>( inTemps, devStates, NbCells  );
    /* Get handle to the CUBLAS context */
    cublasHandle_t cublasHandle = 0;
    cublasStatus_t cublasStatus;
    cublasStatus = cublasCreate(&cublasHandle);

// define threads and blocks
    dim3 dimGrid( blocks , blocks );
    dim3 dimBlock( threads , threads );

cudaMemcpy( grid, inTemps, NbCells * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
    cout << "\nTemperatures before : "<<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < NbCells; i++) {
		if (i % 4 == 0 ) cout <<endl;
		cout << setprecision(5) << showpoint << setw(17) << grid[i] << "\t";
    cout <<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
    	copyTemp<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(inTemps , constTemps);
		updateTemp<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(constTemps , outTemps);
	//swap input and output to supply first kernel
	cublasSswap(cublasHandle , NbCells , outTemps  , 1 , inTemps , 1 );
    cudaMemcpy( newgrid, outTemps, NbCells * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
    cout << "\nTemperatures after : "<<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < NbCells; i++){
		if (i % 4 == 0 ) cout <<endl;
		cout << setprecision(5) << showpoint << setw(17) << newgrid[i] << "\t";
    cout <<endl;
    //clean host memory	
    free ( grid );
    free ( newgrid );
    // clean device memory
    cudaFree( inTemps );
    cudaFree( outTemps );
    cudaFree( constTemps );

	return 0;

The symptoms indicate your code may contain out-of-bounds accesses or race conditions. Have you run the program with cuda-memcheck to check for such issues?

Yes , no race conditions or mem errors.

There must be a reason that different runs produce different outputs. Is every run using the same random data? It is good practice, especially during the debugging phase, to set up PRNGs such that every run produces the same sequence of random numbers, then add explicit randomization (e.g. by generation of a different PRNG seed value) later, so that different sequences of random numbers can be used on different runs.

Is all the source data properly initialized? Maybe there is a sizing error somewhere, e.g. copy size not the same as the allocation size. It might help the debugging process to initialize the starting data to particular fixed data instead of random data and then examine whether that propagates in the expected fashion.

Ok, I created a specific input data and now in the exit I am receiving the same initial data!
It seems the updateTemp kernel doesn’t do anything.

Also , running the code again (with random data this time) produces everywhere zeros except from the first index!

Is there something I can’t see here?


I notice that in the code as posted, there are no checks of the return status of the API calls, nor is the execution status of kernels checked. So it seems possible that the kernel never executes due to a bug somewhere that goes undetected and prevents the launch from happening. You would want to diligently check the status of every CUDA API call and every kernel launch.

I forgot this ,thanks!

Hmm , ok I have a problem!
I am receiving the message “CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version”

I tried to execute the deviceQuery utility but it gives me :

CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
Result = FAIL

Yesterday I updated the bumblebee driver ,so it must have something to do with this.

I am serching the web now for solutions!If you have an idea for this please tell me!

Thank you!

OK! I was wrong! The driver is ok , I checked every api call ,cuda-memcheck , and everything is fine.

It gives me the initial data…

(Sorry for the above confusion)

Any ideas for that?

It still gives me the initial data (when the input is specific , when it is random it gives me null , or zeros), it seems that the kernel isn’t executed ?

I tested other programs and everything is ok regarding the compilation and running.

I can’t understand why is that?


In the code that you have posted, I changed this line:

const int speed = 0.25;

to this:

const float speed = 0.25;

and this line:

const int threads = 1;

to this:

const int threads = 4;

and I got non-zero results.