Single OTA Payload for multiple releases

Hi All,

A quick question related to OTA on JetPack 5 and Jetson Orin AGX.

We have used the guide from the documentation and everything works, Link here.

For our specific case, we have been running OTA from the same point release just to update the image as we add more features, example 5.1.1 to 5.1.1. Now, we are updating the systems to new releases and I was wondering if the same OTA payload can be applied to multiple BSP versions, lets say, Generate the OTA payload using a build with JetPack 5.1.3 and apply the same payload to systems running JetPack 5.1.2 and 5.1.1.

From the documentation, we need to set the target BSP version on the OTA payload creation, so just trying to figure out if we can set multiple BSP versions for a single OTA payload.

Thanks in advance.

Hi greivin.fallas,

May I know why you want to do this?

The target BSP version should be specified for the OTA payload generated from that release.
Please confirm that where you generated the OTA payload, and the target BSP version should match the one in your BSP package.

Hi KevinFFF,

We have a lot of devices running with JetPack 5.1.1 and we are working to update the devices to JetPack 5.1.2, since we have a lot of devices, we won’t update all of them at the same time. This version update will take place in phases so at some point we will have 2 JetPack versions running on the devices,so we will need the OTA to apply on the updated device(JetPack 5.1.2) as well as the ones with the old JetPack (5.1.1), that’s the reason that one OTA payload able to handle multiple JetPack releases would be useful.

It seems not a valid case to use the single OTA package for different BASE_BSP release.
OTA process will check the base version, it will terminate if they don’t match.

You have to specify the base bsp_version when you run to generate OTA payload.
Steps Performed on the Host Machine
<bsp_version> is the base BSP version, in the form Rmm-n, where mm and n are the major and minor version numbers. For example, R32-7 specifies base BSP version 32.7.x.

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