SIPL for customer camera bringup in drive OS 5.2

Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Pegasus DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu 18.04


I have update drive to os 5.2.6
type is F008A070RM0A, RGGB camera. should be supported by SIPL sample
It worked with its RCCB camera sample when tested on 5.1.6
However, error was provided when test on SIPL camera sample

when test on “F008…CPHY_x2(4)”,following error:
nvsipl_camera: ERROR: ModeSetCrtc failed for mode index 0

nvsipl_camera: ERROR:Unable to get EGLOutput layer

nvsipl_camera: ERROR:Compositor: InitDisplay failed

nvsipl_camera: ERROR:Comositor initilization failed. status:127

when test on “F008…CPHY_x2(4)_TPG”,following error:

nvsipl_camera: ERROR: Cannot enable ISP output in TPG mode.

Let me know any more information to debug this issue, thanks

Dear @tingguang.wang1,
Is the camera model listed at DRIVE AGX Xavier Sensors & Accessories | NVIDIA Developer? Is it Entron F008A070RM0AES camera module? If so, did you check with onsemi to get relevant files to bring up the module?

yes, it’s F008A070RM0A, it’s in the camera list of SIPL sample code help and claimed supported in nvmedia documents.
What do you mean for the files to bring up the module? camera .so should be all available in drive OS, btw, I guess it’s provide by entron if anything is needed.

And I also test with NV camera in the pegagus package(SF3325), I got the same error as entron camera, does that means anything missing in drive os, nvmedia libraries?

any update ?

I got some feedback from Entron, support on >OS6.0 is from onsemi,
currently only we are using 5.2.6 for entron camera.

could it related to driveworks 4.0 not installed?
however, i think nvmedia cipl shall work independently

why there is no update? Should I contact NVIDIA or ENTRON for this, I need a confirmation, thanks!

No. I see the camera is expected work per

Could you share the used command and complete nvsipl_camera logs? Is it tested on Tegra A or Tegra B? Could you check changing the Tegra?

This is strange. Was it working earlier? Could you test the same on different Tegra?

Is flashing DRIVE OS 5.2.6 successful?

It was working before flashing to 5.2.6
(both SF3325 and earlier sample of entron RCCB camera)
Only tested in XA, will test with the other one and provid steps and logs

Flashing is complete,twice, and no error provided from SDK manager
Only additional operation is installation of gdm3 for enabling of display

I don’t see tegra selection for nvsipl paramters, should I switch to another board and try same command?

Dear @tingguang.wang1,
Yes. You need to login to another tegra and check running commands.

do you means connect to XB to run ? it seems gdm3 need to be installed again?

Dear @tingguang.wang1,
Yes. I mean to test on XB. Both Tegras are independent and SW/packages needs to be installed separately for both tegras.