sitenvrc in PGI 10.0

As a CUDA folder is included along with the new version of PGI Fortran, I dont know if we still need to create the sitenvrc file.

I have CUDA installed separately previously, and I’m using that, i.e. my PATH doesnt point to the new CUDA location in Fortran 10.0.

Hi Tuan,

The sitenvrc file is no longer used since we’re now able to ship the CUDA runtime libraries and tools with the PGI compilers. Note that we only test with the CUDA version we ship.

  • Mat

In that case, do we have to set any environment var. to point to this CUDA folder. Do we still need the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and should we modify this?


Hi Tuan,

Your binary will be linked with an “rpath” to the CUDA runtime libraries that ship with the PGI compilers. You only need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH if running on a system that does not have the PGI compilers installed.

  • Mat