Slowdown when displaying image thumbnails in Content window of Omniverse Create 2022.1.0

I am verifying Omniverse Create 2022.1.0.
When I have thumbnails displayed in the Content (Browser) window, the
Opening a folder with image files seemed to slow down the entire Create.
In my environment, 60fps becomes about 15-20fps.
I have created a video of this time.

Operating environment

Omniverse Create 2022.1.0 (Windows 10)

Operating Procedure

  1. Launch Omniverse Create 2022.1.0
  2. In the Content window, follow the folder where the images are located
  3. View large thumbnails

This reduced the speed.
Omniverse Create 2021.3.8 does not have this problem.


Hello @ft-lab! Thank you for reporting this issue. I informed the development team about this. I will let you know when I hear back from the team!

(An internal development ticket was created for this post: OM-47115: Slowdown when displaying image thumbnails in Content window of Omniverse Create 2022.1.0)


Hey @ft-lab thanks for your report, we have this fixed internally and will be pushing a hotfix early next week to address this issue!


Hi @DaneTrain,
Oh, very good news!
I look forward to waiting for the next version to be published.

Looking forward to the release of the new version, how long will it take? :)

out now!

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