SN2000 series BIOS update and MPFA

Hi. I found two articles talking about BIOS upgrades for the SN2010, but I can’t seem to find any files to do the update.

The SONiC documentation talks about: Mellanox Platform Firmware Archive.

Where can I find this?


Please share the output of the following commands to see if an update is even required:

fwutil show updates --image=next

show platform firmware updates

show platform firmware status


Christian Matlock

Hi, from a fairly new ONIE image I get:

fwutil show updates --image=next

/bin/sh: fwutil: not found

show platform firmware updates

/bin/sh: show: not found

ONIE VERSION=“2020.11-5.3.0005-115200”

Where would you like me to run these commands?