Is there a way to obtain the status of the MOD_SLEEP# pin on the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX SOM module through software? If so, what methods or interfaces are available to achieve this?
hello rahul.pp,
it’s GPIO pin, GPIO_PA.06
. you may monitor the pin state when the module is entering sleep mode.
I monitored the pin state and obtained the following results:
echo 326 > /sys/class/gpio/export
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio326/direction #Result 'in'
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio326/value #Result '0'
Does this mean the MOD_SLEEP# pin is currently asserted, or should I expect a different value when the module is in sleep mode?
hello rahul.pp,
I did not test it on TX2 NX, the behavior should be the pin toggle high when it’s entering sleep mode.
please give it a try, thanks