Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
Jetson Nano • DeepStream Version
6.0 • JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only)
4.6.5-b29 • Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)
I am facing that some portion of the osd frame is located right side of the image also upper side of the frame, it seems all frames collapsing each other, it occurs evey 2-3 seconds when I tried deepstream python application examples also my custom deepstream code with sink.set_property('sync', False) but if I make it True it is decreased but still happening. Also this occurs only in the resolution of 4640x3480 below of it don’t have any problem. I have e-con see3Cam-130.
Here is the osd o/ps from the same place.
This is the original image, no new placement of some portion of the frame.
And two secs later it becomes:
You can see that left side of the frame located to the right.
which sample are you testing or referring to? what is the whole media pipeline?
could you narrow down this issue? for example, remove the custom code or some plugins temporarily.
Here in the link I have tried named code for usb camera the same things happened. I just change this part: caps_v4l2src.set_property('caps', Gst.Caps.from_string("video/x-raw, framerate=30/1"))
to this: caps_v4l2src.set_property('caps', Gst.Caps.from_string("video/x-raw, framerate=6/1, width=4640, height=3480"))
seems the third-party autovideosink can’t render the video directly. please use the following cmds to test. wondering if the issue is related to the video capture.
if the test in point1 is fine. the issue should be related to nvvideoconvert. could you share the test.264 in the following test? the pipeline will encode the outputs to a file.
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks