Some questions about TensorRT 3.0 createPlugin

I want to use TensorRT 3.0 to run SSD with some Plugin layers. When I add createSSDPriorBoxPlugin in my coda as below:

virtual nvinfer1::IPlugin* createPlugin(const char* layerName, const nvinfer1::Weights* weights, int nbWeights) override

		if (!strcmp(layerName, "PriorBox"))
			assert(mPluginPriorBox == nullptr);
			PriorBox = std::unique_ptr<INvPlugin, decltype(nvPluginDeleter)>
				(createSSDPriorBoxPlugin(PriorBoxPara), nvPluginDeleter);
			return mPluginPriorBox.get();

I need to pass PriorBoxPara which is a PriorBoxParameters struct to createSSDPriorBoxPlugin. Struct PriorBoxParameters is defined as below :

struct PriorBoxParameters
        float *minSize, *maxSize, *aspectRatios;
        int numMinSize, numMaxSize, numAspectRatios;
	bool flip;
	bool clip;
	float variance[4];
	int imgH, imgW;
	float stepH, stepW;
	float offset;

I have no idea how to give the prior box parameters such as minSize, maxSize, aspectRatios, numMinSize, numMaxSize and numAspectRatios. For example, defferent PriorBox layers may have different minSizes, and one PriorBox may have two aspect ratios, how could I pass these parameters when I creat PriorBox plugin layer? Could someone give me some suggestions? Thank you in advance!


It looks like you file the same topic on Tesla board.
Could you share which platform do you use first?
