something wrong with my share memory

VC2005 compiler shows the error message ~

1>c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia cuda sdk\projects\00_edge_detection_66_2\ error: expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
1>c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia cuda sdk\projects\00_edge_detection_66_2\ error: expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
1>c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia cuda sdk\projects\00_edge_detection_66_2\ error: expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
1>c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia cuda sdk\projects\00_edge_detection_66_2\ error: expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
1>c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia cuda sdk\projects\00_edge_detection_66_2\ error: expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
1>5 errors detected in the compilation of “C:\DOCUME~1\Eric\LOCALS~1\Temp/tmpxft_00000934_00000000-6_Edge_Detection.cpp1.ii”.


I have no idea about this problem …
It seems to be illegal that I copy the data from global memory to shared memory (in…
But … compiler didn’t pass this …
Does anyone know how to solve this ~ ?
I write the note to explain where the error is …

============= ======================

#include “”
#include <cutil.h>
#include “Edge.h”

//*** Image Data
unsigned char *Dev_img_data = NULL ;
float *Dev_Result_data = NULL ;
int size_img_data ;
int size_result_img_data ;

void Copy_IMG_to_cu(unsigned char *img_data , float *Result_img , int width , int height)
unsigned int total_timer ; float total_elapsedTimeInMs ;
CUT_SAFE_CALL( cutCreateTimer( &total_timer ) );
CUT_SAFE_CALL( cutStartTimer( total_timer));

//Create Image Memory (global memory)
size_img_data = widthheight3sizeof(unsigned char) ;
size_result_img_data = width
height*sizeof(float) ;
cudaMalloc((void**) &Dev_img_data , size_img_data );
cudaMalloc((void**) &Dev_Result_data , size_result_img_data );

cudaMemset( Dev_img_data , 0 , size_img_data ) ;
cudaMemset( Dev_Result_data , 0 , size_result_img_data ) ;

cudaMemcpy( Dev_img_data , img_data , size_img_data , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) ;
cudaBindTexture( 0 , tex_img_data , Dev_img_data) ;

// Run Kernel Edge Detection //
int Calculation = width * height ;
int Basic_Block = Calculation/MAX_Threads + (0!=(Calculation%MAX_Threads)) ;
int Dev_Block = Basic_Block ;

Kernel_Share_Edge_Detect<<< Dev_Block , MAX_Threads >>>( width , height , Dev_Result_data , Basic_Block) ;

cudaMemcpy(Result_img , Dev_Result_data , size_result_img_data , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ;

CUT_SAFE_CALL( cutStopTimer( total_timer));
total_elapsedTimeInMs = cutGetTimerValue( total_timer);
printf(" Edge Detection costs total time <<<%f ms>>> \n",total_elapsedTimeInMs);
CUT_SAFE_CALL( cutDeleteTimer( total_timer));



============= ======================
#include “Edge.h”
texture< unsigned char , 1 , cudaReadModeElementType> tex_img_data ;

global void
Kernel_Share_Edge_Detect(int width , int height , float *Dev_Result_data , int Basic_Block)
int tx = threadIdx.x ;
int bx = blockIdx.x ;

 //Create Share Memory
__shared__ float S_Img_data[Height][Width] ; 

int img_x = (bxMAX_Threads+tx) % width ;
int img_y = (bx
MAX_Threads+tx) / width ;

S_Img_data(img_y , img_x) = (float)tex1Dfetch(tex_img_data , img_ywidth3+img_x*3+2 ); // <–error

__syncthreads() ; 

//========== Horizontal ========//
float a = S_Img_data(img_y , img_x+1) - S_Img_data(img_y , img_x); // <–error
if( img_x <= (width-1) )
if(a>20 || a<-20)
Dev_Result_data[img_y*width + img_x] = 255 ;

__syncthreads() ;

//========== Vertical ========//
a = S_Img_data(img_y+1 , img_x) - S_Img_data(img_y , img_x); // <–error
if( img_y <= (height-1) )
if(a>20 || a<-20)
Dev_Result_data[img_y*width + img_x] = 255 ;

__syncthreads() ;


Uh, why do you have parens and not brackets?

Excuse me~~

what is parens???

which brackets I missed ???


S_Img_data(img_y , img_x)


Is this correct?

Kernel_Share_Edge_Detect(int width , int height , float *Dev_Result_data , int Basic_Block)



//Create Share Memory

shared float S_Img_data[Height][Width] ;

C is case sensitive.

And out of curiosity, how does this work and is this an intended hack?

int Basic_Block = Calculation/MAX_Threads + (0!=(Calculation%MAX_Threads))

You’re basically adding a boolean value to an int. AFAIK this translates to:

int Basic_Block = Calculation/MAX_Threads;

