Hello everyone!
Has anyone tried running a Sony camera in binning mode?
Hi tarabasev.as,
Please be more specific for which Sony camera you mean here and provide more details of your issue. Thanks
Hello kayccc,
My issue in this topic:
Currently I’m running 9 different modes include HDR, but I can’t receive a video stream in the binning mode. Perhaps it is internal hardware problem. May be somebody running this mode?
What are errors in libargus log:
SCF: Error BadParameter: (in src/components/ClipHelper.cpp, function setInSize(), line 76)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/components/GraphHelper.cpp, function setupClipHelper(), line 150)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/components/GraphHelper.cpp, function initialize(), line 134)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/components/CaptureSetupEngineImpl.cpp, function genInstructionsBayerSource(), line 926)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/components/CaptureSetupEngineImpl.cpp, function doGetInstructions(), line 2211)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/components/CaptureSetupEngine.cpp, function getInstructionList(), line 300)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/components/CaptureSetupEngine.cpp, function setupCC(), line 214)
SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/api/Session.cpp, function capture(), line 815)
disposing CC 0 Session 0
(Argus) Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/api/ScfCaptureThread.cpp, function run(), line 109)
updatePerfHints(): guid=0ll, CaptureIntent=1
updatePerfHints(): NvCameraCoreUseCase_Preview
hello tarabaev.as,
could you please enable v4l2 standard control to access this binning mode?
for example,
please add --set-ctrl=sensor_mode=<N>
options to indicate the modes for streaming.
$ v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=RG12 --stream-mmap --set-ctrl=sensor_mode=0 --stream-count=100 -d /dev/video0