Starnge problem

I’m writing a rpogram in Fortran for computing Boundary Value Problem ODE.
Here is my code:


module module_BVP

public :: Step, Tridiagonal_Solv, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, channel


!==========  Step =============================================================================================
!           - a,     - b 
!     - n.
function Step(n, a, b) result(h)
	implicit none

	integer,			 intent(in)	:: n
	double precision,	 intent(in) :: b, a
	real							:: h
	h = (b-a) / (n-1)

end function Step


!============== Subroutine Values =================

subroutine Tridiagonal_Solv(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	implicit none 
	integer						:: i, j, n 
	double precision					:: a, b ! 
	real,			  dimension(:)		:: q, w, t, y 
	real,			  dimension(:)		:: sigma, teta
	double precision					:: p, l, z
	double precision,		  intent(in) :: alpha, beta 
	double precision, dimension(n)             :: x, r, vector_B 
	double precision, dimension(n,n)			 :: matrix_A 

	x(0) = a
	x(n) = b
	p = -1 / (Step(n, a, b)*Step(n, a, b))
	z = 2 / (Step(n, a, b)*Step(n, a, b)) + 1
	l = 2 / Step(n, a, b)

	!    x(i)  r(x(i))
	do i = 2, n-1
		x(i) = a + i*Step(n, a, b)
		r(i) = 2*sin(x(i))
	end do

	!    nxn . 
	do i = 1, n     
		do j = 1, n
			matrix_A(i,j) = 0
		end do
	end do

	!         (   )
	matrix_A(1,1) = -3 / (2*Step(n, a, b))
	matrix_A(1,2) = l
	matrix_A(1,3) = -1 / (2*Step(n, a, b))

	do i = 2, n-1
		matrix_A(i,i-1) = p
		matrix_A(i,i) = z
		matrix_A(i,i+1) = p
		vector_B(i) = r(i)
	end do
	!          (   )
	matrix_A(n,n-2) = 1 / (2*Step(n, a, b))
	matrix_A(n, n-1) = l
	matrix_A(n,n) = 3 / (2*Step(n, a, b))

	vector_B(1) = alpha
	vector_B(n) = beta

	y(0) = 0
	y(n+1) = 0
	sigma(0) = 0
	teta(0) = 0
	w(1) = 0
	t(n) = 0

	do i = 2, n-1
		w(i) = matrix_A(i,i-1)
	end do

	do i = 1, n
		q(i) = matrix_A(i,i)
	end do

	do i = 1, n-1
		t(i) = matrix_A(i,i+1)
	end do

	! ,     
	do i = 1, n 
		sigma(i) = -t(i)/(q(i) + w(i)*sigma(i-1))
		teta(i) = (r(i) - w(i)*teta(i-1))/(q(i) + w(i)*sigma(i-1))
	end do

	y(n) = teta(n)

	! ,    
	do i = n-1, 1, -1 
		y(i) = sigma(i)*y(i+1) + teta(i)
	end do

end subroutine Tridiagonal_Solv

!================= Subroutine _Read ==================

subroutine ReadFromFile(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	implicit none
	integer				 :: n, free, err
	double precision			 :: a, b
	double precision			 :: alpha, beta

	call channel(free)
	open(unit = free, file = "Values.dat", status = "old", action = "read")
			read(free, *, iostat = err) n, a, b, alpha, beta
			if(err == 0) then
				print *, "Reading data..."
				print *
				print *, "     n     a           b            alpha     beta"
				print "(i7, f8.2, f16.10, f11.3, f10.3)", n, a, b, alpha, beta
				print *
				print *, "Data reading complete successfully!"
			 else if(err < 0) then
				print *, "Error in data reading!"
			end if
		end do

end subroutine ReadFromFile


!================= Subroutine _Write ========

subroutine WriteToFile(n, x, y)
	implicit none
	integer						   :: free, n, i
	double precision, dimension(n) :: x, y

	call channel(free)
	open(unit = free, file = "Results.dat", status = "replace", action = "write")
		write(free, *) " i      x(i)	     y(i)"
		write(free, *)
		do i = 1, n
			write(free, fmt = "(i3, f13.8, f13.8)"), i, x(i), y(i)
		end do
		print *
		print *, "The results was writen in file 'Results.dat'"

end subroutine WriteToFile


!================== CHANNEL ==========================================================================================




      FISOPEN = .TRUE.
      NFREE = 9
         NFREE = NFREE + 1
      END DO
      END SUBROUTINE channel


end module module_BVP


program BVP
use module_BVP

	implicit none

	integer				     :: n
	double precision			     :: a, b
	double precision			     :: alpha, beta
	double precision, dimension(n) :: x, y

	call ReadFromFile(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	call Tridiagonal_Solv(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	call WriteToFile(n, x, y)

end program BVP

There is no error when I compile it. But when run it in the Results.dat file there is no results writen. Only zeros in all columns. Why is that happen.

Hi ferry2,

You need to pass in your main program’s “x” and “y” variables to Tridiagonal_Solv. Otherwise, the “x” and “y” in Tridiagonal_Solv are local to the subroutine.

Though, I’m a bit surprised the code made it to writing out a file. It should get a segmentation violation in Tridiagonal_Solv since several of your arrays are assumed-shape but not used as arguments. Also, since x and y’s size wont be known until the file is read in, they should be allocatable arrays. Finally, be sure to declare the arrays with a “0” lower bound. In Fortran, the default is 1.

  • Mat

Now my code is:


module module_BVP

public :: Step, Tridiagonal_Solv, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, channel


!========== Функция Step =============================================================================================
! Изчисляваме големината на стъпката по зададени ляв край на интервала - a, десен край на интервала - b 
! и брой на итерациите - n.
function Step(n, a, b) result(h)
	implicit none

	integer,			 intent(in)	:: n
	double precision,	 intent(in) :: b, a
	real							:: h
	h = (b-a) / (n-1)

end function Step


!============== Subroutine Values =====================================================================================
! Подпрограма, в която изчисляваме всички стойности на x_i
subroutine Tridiagonal_Solv(n, a, b, alpha, beta, x, y)
	implicit none 
	integer										  :: i, j, n ! i и j са броячи за циклите, а n е размерността на матриците и векторите
	double precision							  :: a, b ! а и b са съответно ляв и десен край на интервала
	real, allocatable, dimension(:)				  :: q, w, t ! q, w, t - Три едномерни масива за коефициентите на системата; 
	real, allocatable, dimension(:)				  :: sigma, teta ! Eдномерни масиви за векторите от прогонъчни коефициенти
	double precision							  :: p, l, z ! Променливи, в които се съхраняват изчислени изрази
	double precision							  :: alpha, beta ! alpha и beta са стойностите на граничните условия
	double precision, allocatable, dimension(:)	  :: x, r, vector_B, y ! х е вектор за променливата "х", r е вектор за функцията r(x)
																				  !y - Eдномерен масив за вектора от неизвестни
	double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: matrix_A ! A e тридиагонална матрица, в която

	allocate(q(n), w(n), t(n), y(0:n+1), sigma(0:n), teta(0:n), x(0:n), r(n), vector_B(n), matrix_A(n,n))

	x(0) = a
	x(n) = b
	p = -1 / (Step(n, a, b)*Step(n, a, b))
	z = 2 / (Step(n, a, b)*Step(n, a, b)) + 1
	l = 2 / Step(n, a, b)

	! Пресмятаме стойностите на x(i) и r(x(i))
	do i = 2, n-1
		x(i) = a + i*Step(n, a, b)
		r(i) = 2*sin(x(i))
	end do

	! Създаваме си нулева nxn матрица. 
	do i = 1, n     
		do j = 1, n
			matrix_A(i,j) = 0
		end do
	end do

	! Записваме елементите стоящи на първия ред на матрицата (от първото гранично условие)
	matrix_A(1,1) = -3 / (2*Step(n, a, b))
	matrix_A(1,2) = l
	matrix_A(1,3) = -1 / (2*Step(n, a, b))

	! Записваме всички останали елементи
	do i = 2, n-1
		matrix_A(i,i-1) = p
		matrix_A(i,i) = z
		matrix_A(i,i+1) = p
		vector_B(i) = r(i)
	end do
	! Записваме и елементите стоящи на последния ред на матрицата (от второто гранично условие)
	matrix_A(n,n-2) = 1 / (2*Step(n, a, b))
	matrix_A(n, n-1) = l
	matrix_A(n,n) = 3 / (2*Step(n, a, b))

	vector_B(1) = alpha
	vector_B(n) = beta

	y(0) = 0
	y(n+1) = 0
	sigma(0) = 0
	teta(0) = 0
	w(1) = 0
	t(n) = 0

	do i = 2, n-1
		w(i) = matrix_A(i,i-1)
	end do

	do i = 1, n
		q(i) = matrix_A(i,i)
	end do

	do i = 1, n-1
		t(i) = matrix_A(i,i+1)
	end do

	! Цикъл, в който изчисляваме прогонъчните коефициенти
	do i = 1, n 
		sigma(i) = -t(i)/(q(i) + w(i)*sigma(i-1))
		teta(i) = (r(i) - w(i)*teta(i-1))/(q(i) + w(i)*sigma(i-1))
	end do

	y(n) = teta(n)

	! Цикъл, в който изчисляваме неизвестните
	do i = n-1, 1, -1 
		y(i) = sigma(i)*y(i+1) + teta(i)
	end do

end subroutine Tridiagonal_Solv

!================= Subroutine _Read ==================================================================================

subroutine ReadFromFile(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	implicit none
	integer						 :: n, free, err
	double precision			 :: a, b
	double precision			 :: alpha, beta

	call channel(free)
	open(unit = free, file = "Values.dat", status = "old", action = "read")
			read(free, *, iostat = err) n, a, b, alpha, beta
			if(err == 0) then
				print *, "Reading data..."
				print *
				print *, "     n     a           b            alpha     beta"
				print "(i7, f8.2, f16.10, f11.3, f10.3)", n, a, b, alpha, beta
				print *
				print *, "Data reading complete successfully!"
			 else if(err < 0) then
				print *, "Error in data reading!"
			end if
		end do

end subroutine ReadFromFile


!================= Subroutine _Write =================================================================================

subroutine WriteToFile(n, x, y)
	implicit none
	integer										:: free, n, i
	double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x, y

	allocate(x(n), y(n))

	call channel(free)
	open(unit = free, file = "Results.dat", status = "replace", action = "write")
		write(free, *) " i      x(i)	     y(i)"
		write(free, *)
		do i = 1, n
			write(free, fmt = "(i3, f13.8, f13.8)"), i, x(i), y(i)
		end do
		print *
		print *, "The results was writen in file 'Results.dat'"

end subroutine WriteToFile


!================== CHANNEL ==========================================================================================




      FISOPEN = .TRUE.
      NFREE = 9
         NFREE = NFREE + 1
      END DO
      END SUBROUTINE channel


end module module_BVP


program BVP
use module_BVP

	implicit none

	integer										:: n
	double precision							:: a, b
	double precision							:: alpha, beta
	double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x, y

	allocate(x(n), y(n))

	call ReadFromFile(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	call Tridiagonal_Solv(n, a, b, alpha, beta, x, y)
	call WriteToFile(n, x, y)

end program BVP

But I’m geting a very strange result. The data in result file is:

i x(i) y(i)

1 0.05208331 760.09265128
2 0.00005207 760.09240824
3 0.00000000*************
5 0.00000000 0.00000000

Hi ferry2,

The stars indicate that your number is too wide for the width provided, however, this is not your main issue.

You want to allocate x and y only once, preferably in your main program. Hence, remove the allocatable clause from x and y’s declaration in WriteToFile and Tridiagonal_Solv as well as removing them from the allocate statements. By allocating x and y in WriteToFile, you’re actually printing our junk values.

Also, since n isn’t known until after you read in your values, you need to wait to allocate x and y until after ReadFromFile is called. Otherwise n’s value is junk.

Since x and y don’t use element zero, you probably want to change “x(0)=a” to “x(1)=a” and remove “y(0)=0”. Also, since the value of Step never changes, why not call it once and store it’s value in a local variable?

  • Mat

@mkcolg thankc for the tips. I edit my program and now the problem is that in the “Results.dat” file I’m geting only zeros. Maybe I have a logical error.


	module module_BVP

	public :: Step, Tridiagonal_Solv, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, channel


!========== ??????? Step =============================================================================================
! ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? ?? ????????? - a, ????? ???? ?? ????????? - b 
! ? ???? ?? ?????????? - n.
	function Step(n, a, b) result(h)
	implicit none

	integer,			 intent(in)	:: n
	double precision,	 intent(in) :: b, a
	real							:: h
	h = (b-a) / (n-1)

	end function Step


!============== Subroutine Values =====================================================================================
! ???????????, ? ????? ??????????? ?????? ????????? ?? x_i
	subroutine Tridiagonal_Solv(n, a, b, alpha,beta)
	implicit none 
	integer						   :: n, i
	double precision, intent(in)   :: a, b, alpha, beta
	real						   :: h ! Ïðîìåíëèâà, â êîÿòî ùå ïàçèì ñòîéíîñòòà íà ñòúïêàòà
	double precision, dimension(0:5) :: x, r, u, v, w, z, s, t, y

	h = Step(n, a, b)
	x(1) = a
	r(1) = alpha
	do i = 2, n-1
		x(i) = a+i*h
		r(i) = 2*sin(x(i))
	end do
	r(n) = beta
	x(n) = b

	do i = 2, n-1
		u(i) = -1/(h*h)
	end do

	u(n) = 2/h
	v(1) = -3/(2*h)
	do i = 2, n-1
		v(i) = 2/(h*h) + 1
	end do
	v(n) = 3/(2*h)

	w(1) = 2/h
	do i = 2, n-1
		w(i) = -1/(h*h)
	end do
	s(0) = 0
	t(0) = 0
	do i = 1, n
		s(i) = -w(i)/(v(i) + u(i)*s(i-1))
		t(i) = (r(i) - u(i)*t(i-1))/(v(i) + u(i)*s(i-1))
	end do

	y(n) = t(n)
	do i = n-1, 1, -1
		y(i) = s(i)*y(i+1) + t(i)
	end do

	end subroutine Tridiagonal_Solv

!================= Subroutine _Read ==================================================================================

	subroutine ReadFromFile(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	implicit none
	integer						 :: n, free, err
	double precision			 :: a, b
	double precision			 :: alpha, beta

	call channel(free)
	open(unit=free,file="Values.dat",status = "old", action = "read")
			read(free, *, iostat = err) n, a, b, alpha, beta
			if(err == 0) then
				print *, "Reading data..."
				print *
		print *, "     n     a           b            alpha     beta"
		print "(i7, f8.2, f16.10, f11.3, f10.3)", n, a, b, alpha, beta
				print *
				print *, "Data reading complete successfully!"
			 else if(err < 0) then
				print *, "Error in data reading!"
			end if
		end do

	end subroutine ReadFromFile


!================= Subroutine _Write =================================================================================

	subroutine WriteToFile(n, x, y)
	implicit none
	integer										:: free, n, i
	double precision, dimension(:) :: x, y

	call channel(free)
		write(free, *) " i      x(i)	     y(i)"
		write(free, *)
		do i = 1, n
			write(free, fmt = "(i3, f13.8, f13.8)"), i, x(i), y(i)
		end do
		print *
		print *, "The results was writen in file 'Results.dat'"

	end subroutine WriteToFile


!================== CHANNEL ==========================================================================================




      FISOPEN = .TRUE.
      NFREE = 9
         NFREE = NFREE + 1
      END DO
      END SUBROUTINE channel


	end module module_BVP


	program BVP
	use module_BVP

	implicit none
	integer, parameter			   :: nn = 100
	integer						   :: n
	double precision			   :: a, b
	double precision			   :: alpha, beta 
	double precision, dimension(nn):: x, y

	call ReadFromFile(n, a, b, alpha, beta)
	call Tridiagonal_Solv(n, a, b, alpha,beta)
	call WriteToFile(n, x, y)

	end program BVP

Hi ferry2,

I’m assuming your a student, or at least new to programming, so instead of just telling what’s wrong, I wan you to try and figure this out yourself.

Hint: Reread my first post and then look over your main program again.

  • Mat