State space mismatch between instruction and address in instruction 'tex'

Hi all,

I believe this is a known issue and I’d like to know whether you guys intend to fix this one or should I hack my code?

, line 2226; error   : State space mismatch between instruction and address in i

nstruction 'tex'

Basically I am doing something like that:

typedef texture<GridVelocityCell, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> VelocityTex;

typedef texture<GridDensityCell, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> DensityTex;


GridVelocityCell* vel;

DensityTex* dens;

VelocityTex velTex;

DensityTex densTex;


template <typename T, typename Tex>

__global__ void deviceFoo(T* field, Tex t, ...)


    const int index = ...;

    const T val = (T)tex1Dfetch(t, index);



template <typename T, typename Tex>

void hostFoo(T* field, Tex t, ...)


    deviceFoo<T, Tex><<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(field, t, ...);



hostFoo<GridVelocityCell, VelocityTex>(vel, velTex, ...);

hostFoo<GridDensityCell, DensityTex>(dens, densTex, ...);


Hi all,

I believe this is a known issue and I’d like to know whether you guys intend to fix this one or should I hack my code?

, line 2226; error   : State space mismatch between instruction and address in i

nstruction 'tex'

Basically I am doing something like that:

typedef texture<GridVelocityCell, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> VelocityTex;

typedef texture<GridDensityCell, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> DensityTex;


GridVelocityCell* vel;

DensityTex* dens;

VelocityTex velTex;

DensityTex densTex;


template <typename T, typename Tex>

__global__ void deviceFoo(T* field, Tex t, ...)


    const int index = ...;

    const T val = (T)tex1Dfetch(t, index);



template <typename T, typename Tex>

void hostFoo(T* field, Tex t, ...)


    deviceFoo<T, Tex><<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(field, t, ...);



hostFoo<GridVelocityCell, VelocityTex>(vel, velTex, ...);

hostFoo<GridDensityCell, DensityTex>(dens, densTex, ...);
