I recently purchased a Super Nano Orin.
I issue I am facing is that the Super Nano is not reading the SD and thus not loading the OS.
I have taken the following step in alignment with NVIDIA’s Starting Guide:
1- Installed Jetson Nano Developer Kit SD Card Image
2 - Powered On Device
I have included an image showing the end result when powering on.
On the unable to load problem I saw the same Alias(s) error when trying the 6.2 Jet Pack SD card
I downloaded the JP513 image and that did update something but I am not sure about the next steps. I would have thought the SD card should have proceeded to load the images but the system just blanks th
e screen and hangs
I have checked my firmware. Looks like it’s the old firmware. I am going to install Jetpack 5.1x on the SD as stated in the previous link your sent. Then I will follow the remaining steps like update the firmware. Then I will reinstall the Jetpack 6.x on the SD and reply back if it doesn’t work.
Thank You
I got a bit further too but not much.
I put the SD card in a USB carrier . The boot setup found it and I got a message saying LT4xxx attempting to boot.
The screen then went blank. End of story