Supplied PxGeometry is not valid. Shape creation method returns NULL.

[s]I’m trying to create a Kinematic character controller with a capsule collision shape.

I think I’m missing something in this part:

PxCapsuleControllerDesc desc;
desc.height = 1.8f;
desc.position = PxExtendedVec3(0, 10, 0);
desc.radius = 0.6f;
desc.slopeLimit = cosf(Ogre::Math::DegreesToRadians(45.0f));
desc.upDirection = PxVec3(0, 1, 0);
desc.material = mLevel->getDefaultPxMaterial();

Any ideas what could be the problem ?

I’m calling the controller manager like this:

mgr->createController(pxScene->getPhysics(), pxScene, desc);

Full message:

NpFactory.cpp (546) : nvalid parameter : Supplied PxGeometry is not valid. Shape creation method returns NULL.

Do you guys see what I’m missing ?[/s]

Nevermind, a mistake in another place in my code. Sorry :(