Take input url from the config file

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Hi, I wanted to know how to pass input url to deepstream -app from the config file? instead of the “python3 python_rtsp-in-out.py -i file:////opt/nvidia/deepstream…”.

For soure uri used by deepstram-app example can be found on DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation , this scheme is used by “uri” of ucidecodebin plugin.

How do I disable this in the program, and enable in the config file?
Where can I find an example of this in the python file?
Tell me if I am correct.

So I can run the deepstream-app with my own config file, by passing the source, uri parameters without writing a python file for the same.

There is only C API so far: NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference: DeepStream Yaml Parser API

You can refer deepstream_test1 sample code (deepstream/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test1) in deepstream-6.1 on how it handles direct input or config file.

deepstream-test1 also takes input from the user while running the python file.

You can search “ymal” in the souce code, if the argv[1] includes ymal, it will enter the ymal config file parsing logic.

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