TAO Classification provides low precision with VehicleTypeNet pretrained model

Please provide the following information when requesting support.

• Hardware : GTX 1080
• Network Type Classification
• TLT Version:
dockers: [‘nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-tf’, ‘nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-pyt’, ‘nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-lm’]
format_version: 2.0
toolkit_version: 3.22.05
published_date: 05/25/2022

I am trying to train a vehicle classification model from the VehicleTypeNet pretrained model. I have 10 classes of vehicles, each class having roughly about 20K images. When I train the model in TAO, after 147 epochs the validation precision is low in some classes as per the evaluation report:

Found 22809 images belonging to 10 classes.
INFO: Processing dataset (evaluation): /workspace/tao-experiments/data/test
Evaluation Loss: 1.7708099206685863
Evaluation Top K accuracy: 0.5250997413144974
Found 22809 images belonging to 10 classes.
INFO: Calculating per-class P/R and confusion matrix. It may take a while...
Confusion Matrix
[[1008   44    1    5  437  101   29  161    2   29]
 [  42 1062    3    7  856    8    7   26    3   91]
 [   1    3  137    1  980    4    9    0    0    3]
 [ 142  102    3 3858 2050   12   29 1944  153   64]
 [   0   17   15    2  432    7    0    1    1    2]
 [  32    8    0    5  174 1490    8    8    1    2]
 [   0    0    0    0    0    0   28    0    0    0]
 [   2    0    0    4    3    0    0  501    0    0]
 [  12    9    3  129  217    4   13  215 1098   26]
 [  13   22    2    9 2344   11   51  101    7 2363]]
Classification Report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

      bigbus       0.81      0.55      0.66      1817
  heavytruck       0.84      0.50      0.63      2105
  lighttruck       0.84      0.12      0.21      1138
    microbus       0.96      0.46      0.62      8357
    midtruck       0.06      0.91      0.11       477
     minibus       0.91      0.86      0.89      1728
   motorbike       0.16      1.00      0.28        28
       sedan       0.17      0.98      0.29       510
         suv       0.87      0.64      0.73      1726
threewheeler       0.92      0.48      0.63      4923

    accuracy                           0.53     22809
   macro avg       0.65      0.65      0.50     22809
weighted avg       0.87      0.53      0.62     22809

For example, the midtruck, sedan and motorbike class accuracy is so low compared to others. I have checked both the training and validation dataset but found no inconsistency. My training spec file is as follows:

model_config {
  arch: "resnet",
  n_layers: 18
  # Setting these parameters to true to match the template downloaded from NGC.
  use_batch_norm: true
  all_projections: true
  freeze_blocks: 0
  freeze_blocks: 1
  input_image_size: "3,224,224"
train_config {
  train_dataset_path: "/workspace/tao-experiments/data/train"
  val_dataset_path: "/workspace/tao-experiments/data/val"
  pretrained_model_path: "/workspace/tao-experiments/pretrained_resnet18/resnet18_vehicletypenet.tlt"
  optimizer {
    sgd {
    lr: 0.01
    decay: 0.0
    momentum: 0.9
    nesterov: False
  batch_size_per_gpu: 64
  n_epochs: 200
  n_workers: 16
  preprocess_mode: "caffe"
  enable_random_crop: True
  enable_center_crop: True
  label_smoothing: 0.0
  mixup_alpha: 0.1
  # regularizer
  reg_config {
    type: "L2"
    scope: "Conv2D,Dense"
    weight_decay: 0.00005

  # learning_rate
  lr_config {
    step {
      learning_rate: 0.006
      step_size: 10
      gamma: 0.1
    enabled: true
eval_config {
  eval_dataset_path: "/workspace/tao-experiments/data/test"
  model_path: "/workspace/tao-experiments/classification/output/weights/resnet_097.tlt"
  top_k: 1
  batch_size: 256
  n_workers: 8
  enable_center_crop: True

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