Tao detectnet_v2 cost_function_config

Hi, refer to this forum there is an auto_weighting function in cost_function_config could i know how to enabled this function ?

I have read detectnet_v2 document saying that changing this value is not recommended, but my dataset has multiple objects and each object has a different size, so it may need to be reset.

refer to this forum [quote=“bon.weixiang, post:1, topic:298220”]
there is an auto_weighting function for nvidia internal used at 2020
[/quote], now the function is available ?

Four years ago, I mean the code is not public. But currently the TAO is open-sourced now since TAO5.0 last year.
You can search code and find it. tao_tensorflow1_backend/nvidia_tao_tf1/cv/detectnet_v2/cost_function at 2ec95cbbe0d74d6a180ea6e989f64d2d97d97712 · NVIDIA/tao_tensorflow1_backend · GitHub.

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